International Chindogu Society

Written by Laura Brown

The planets formed. The Earth cooled. Creatures emerged and one of them started playing with rocks and sticks.

That creature made spears, he crafted shovels, he turned pelts into cloth. Then, he got fancy. He built the solar-powered flashlight and the combination table napkin/necktie. Not exactly useful, but somehow not altogether useless. He created inventions that didn’t quite work…but were nonetheless fun.

Chindogu was born.

I remember an episode of "IT Crowd", laughing about the idea of a ladder for bees (or some flying insect I don't remember for sure which now). The ladder was to save them if there was a fire. They could crawl up the ladder to get away from the fire. Ignoring the fact that they can fly, its a very nice invention.

Bad Days do Not Erase Your Progress

Written by Laura Brown

Source: Redbubble - thelatestkate

Canadian Toy Collectors' Society

Written by Laura Brown

The Canadian Toy Collectors' Society is a hobby association, incorporated (not-for-profit) in the Province of Ontario, whose main objectives are to promote interest in the collection and display of all types of toys and related childhood memorabilia; and to acquire and maintain a collection of Canadian toys of historic importance.

Although based mainly in the Golden Horseshoe region of Ontario, Canada, the Society has members throughout Canada, the USA, Europe and Australia. Regular monthly meetings, a monthly newsletter, and a periodic journal "The Toy Collector", help members keep in touch with each other and the toy collecting hobby.

The Society runs an annual toy show "Canada's Greatest Collectors' Toy Show and Sale", and makes frequent donations to selected children's charities.

Silver Society of Canada

Written by Laura Brown

A group for collectors, dealers, and auction houses to further knowledge about antique and modern silver.

This group looks like it needs more members to get it active again. If you found this post while looking for information about siler, in Canada, contact the Society, even just to say hello.

Meanwhile, I have my Great Aunt Alice's tea set really needing a polish. (My Mother's Mother's Sister, Alice).

I don't collect silver, intentionally. It can be beautiful, but it does need maintenance. Not a chore to do but after using the chemicals to shine it I'm not so sure about actually using the tea set. Besides I'm not a tea drinker unless tea is one of few alternatives.

The Tale of a Town

Written by Laura Brown

"Capturing the collective community memory of Canada's Main Streets, one story at a time." "The Tale of a Town is a site-specific theatre and media project capturing the collective community memory of Canada's Main Streets, one story at a time, while preserving local heritage and promoting neighbourhood culture".

This may not still be active. But, I've seen a few of the shows on TV. I enjoyed them.

Canada Constructed

Written by Laura Brown

"Architecture, landscape, history. Housed in the Department of Art History at the University of Toronto, this new initiative offers undergraduate courses, experiential learning, and internships in the field of the architecture and landscapes of Canada".

Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada

Written by Laura Brown

"The SSAC is a registered charitable organization founded in 1974 by a broadly-based group of people interested in encouraging a greater understanding and development of the study of Canadian architecture. Included in this study is an examination of both historical and cultural issues relating to buildings, streetscapes, cities, and the countryside."

Ontario Urban Forest Council

Written by Laura Brown

"A not-for-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the health of urban forests in the province of Ontario".

Related groups:

Forests Ontario "Supporting forest restoration, stewardship, awareness and education".

Take Root Part of Forests Ontario.

Grasslands Ontario

The Webring is Having a Comeback

Written by Laura Brown

I miss webrings. They were a great way to find new links, interesting ideas and people. Social media is an offshoot of webrings. Most of the webring software I used to know is gone. Swallowed up by marketing. The new webrings are different, lighter, and they tend to be personal. Webrings Listed

Sadgrl Webring Listings

Dignity and Indignities

Written by Laura Brown

As a baby and a child you begin to demand your dignity, to find and expect to feel like a person. But, as you grow older, farther from childhood, you begin to lose your dignity. You become dependent, your body and mind forget and have to give in to necessity over dignity. Against your will.