How Writers Can Work with Games Developers | Publishing Perspectives

Interactive writers are the men and women who come up with the stories and write the dialog and even the text messages seen in a range of interactive media from games to apps. Often working in a team, they may find brainstorming and mind-mapping skills just as important as old-fashioned writing skills. Rather than a novel, what they produce is closer to a film or TV script.

via How Writers Can Work with Games Developers | Publishing Perspectives.

Example Only – 25 Ways to Improve Online Content

25 Ways to Improve Online Content.

#1 – Add Creative Images

Select a number of creative images from your sources. Afterward, highlight certain areas of your article or post that you think are appropriate to add a creative image to. Distribute your images evenly throughout your content.

Sites such 123rf, istockphoto, shutterstock, etc. offer the possibility of purchasing images royalty-free.  If you’re a little more talented in the field of design, Photoshop is an incredible tool to enhance your images or create some of your own.

More to read on: Quick Tips For Better Status Updates

#2 – Add Facts & Quotes

Facts that are used to back up your claims or work show your audience that your work is completely credible. Facts add that “impressive” factor to your content. They are important.

Quotes help give your content a different perspective. They can also help solidify your credibility on a topic.

#3 – Conduct Interviews

Interviewing other respected individuals in the industry will spice up your output of content. Again, it gives your content another perspective from an industry expert.

Kindly email an expert or individual from the industry and tell him you’re interested in asking him a few questions and publishing his answers to your site.

#4 – Publish Case Studies

Case studies are excellent points of evidence for a specific process or claim. Publishing more case studies as articles onto your blog will raise your chances of becoming an expert in your field.

Case studies attract much attention from the Internet world, especially if it gives them a new idea or helps them accomplish some task in their work. Case studies are completely unique and offer others a view of your own work ethic.

Set a time period, and observe some of your results. If you feel like they will be very helpful to your readers and help them improve as well, don’t hesitate to create a case study about it and include some of your results as graphs or evidence.

#5 – Add Infographics

An infographic is a type of visual content that displays data in a visual way.

Some infographic services on the Internet offer to create your own type of Infographic. Using your acquired set of data from your own studies, they will use each piece of data and display it in a visual way whether it be graphs or unique graphics.

Infographics are also great link attractors from different sources. Other sources may pick up your infographic, publish it at their own site, and give you credit by linking back to the original source.

#6 – Write an eBook

E-books can be created and used to create profits, exchange for emails, or give away for free.

Pick a topic you are well familiar with and have much knowledge about. With a specific topic or idea in mind, write about it and turn it into an e-book.

I would recommend that you focus on a particular topic, one that isn’t too broad. You will need to expand on the topic to every degree and a large topic will take way too much time.

#7 – Record a Podcast

Podcasts are an excellent way to spice up your content. It gives a reader a “hearable” point-of-view of your content and opinion. Plus, they can be listened to anywhere one is located.

When it comes to recording your podcast, you should use the right kind of program. You can use the same program to edit your recorded podcast. Don’t forget to add important call-to-actions within podcast recording, right towards the end of the program.

#8 – Add Videos

To increase their engagement with your content, videos will attract more views and engagement from your followers. If you have a topic in mind and you aren’t too shy to stand in front of a camera lens, please don’t hesitate to jump on the opportunity to create a video.

Creating your own videos will take your content creation and production to a whole different level! Videos are one of the kings in explaining a specific process or topic.

#9 – Create Content Often

Maybe it’s time that you post content on a more daily basis. If you’re currently posting content that has no schedule structure, your next step to improve your content is to create a rigid schedule for posting content.

Posting content often will increase the social media shares of the posts. Posting often will keep your visitors closer and every update will keep them reminded of your site or blog.

#10 – Use Creative Titles

The title is probably the first piece of content that a visitor will see. That’s why it’s important to come up with creative titles that will grab their attention. A creative title will drive a visitor to check out your content.

Using certain powerful words, large numbers, controversial topics, and important keywords is the key into creating the best titles for your content.


7 Life Lessons From Steve Jobs That Everyone Needs To Remember

#11 – Host Webinars

Webinars will help your readers become more active and help create a relationship with them.

Create an amazing landing page that announces a webinar you have planned and created. Always create a webinar that is closely related to what you present on your blog or website.

#12 – Let Your Personality Shine

Adding your personality to your content may help keep your readers’ attention glued to your content for a longer time. It helps keep your content unique and makes it stand out from the crowded content fields of the Internet.

If you possess an experience or story about a specific thing or topic, don’t hesitate to spice up your content with your experience.

#13 – Connect with Your Audience

When you write your content, keep in mind to include questions within your content. Questions will help your readers think more about what you said and those questions will help keep your audience engaged.

When writing, don’t forget to remind your readers that you’re no different from them and you struggle with the same dilemmas. Your audience will feel more connected to the meaning of your content and grow stronger.

#14 – Include Personal Experiences

Experience always becomes an added bonus to your content. One, beginners will be more confident in trying your solutions or agree to what is being said in the content. Secondly, it adds more credibility and stability to your content.

If you came up with your own solution to your unique problem, it would be best if you impart your knowledge about the situation to your audience. Who knows? They might have the same problem as you.

#15 – Expand and Create Content on Smaller Topics

Don’t forget: smaller topics are just as important as the larger ones are. Smaller topics are like the details in a project, and as they say, “Success lies in the details.”

Smaller topics may be a help to someone out there. Remember, smaller topics hold the key to some situation or problem!

#16 – Create More Sought-Out Topics

Nobody wants to end up reading content that is boring!

Your content will attract more attention if it is made up of topics that are well sought after.  Research your niche or industry and find out what is in demand. Create content based on your research.

#17 – Build Trust

Trust is built when you add reinforcing words such as “fact,” “proven,” and “I” within your content.

Trust is also built when proof is visually displayed as a method within your content.

#18 – Copy Ideas from Other Sources

Copying ideas is not wrong. Think of it this way: you were inspired by some content out there and decided to create something similar. You shouldn’t replicate what someone else has created, but it’s fine to copy an idea as long as you add your own flair.

Becoming inspired from different known sources will help keep your creativity level high.

#19 – Segmenting the Content

Segmenting content into more sections will help make the content much easier to read.

Organization is the key to displaying your content more professionally. It helps the reader understand your content on a different level and it becomes more easily digestible.

#20 – Format the Content with Font Styles, and Heading Tags

A majority of readers tend to have a short attention span. They will scan quickly an article and try to pick up the most important parts of the content.

To make their job easier and more enjoyable, the best way to do this is to format your content as best you can. It gives them a better understanding of your content, on a quicker basis.

Formatting key points will help your reader tremendously. Highlight section headers, keywords, and important ideas within your content.

#21 – Use Popular Themes

Popular themes within content are heavy attention-grabbers. Themes make it possible to assemble content that is enjoyable to read with points that are easy to grasp.

Creativity is the key to this point in this article. You will need to try your best to tie in popular themes with the points and the general idea of your content or article.

Here is an example:

How To Be A Super Hero At Work

#22 – Include Important Links Within the Content

Creating content isn’t always about you. By linking to other sources within your article, you might be able to help a reader understand a topic on a more profound level.

Linking to other sources similar to your content will also give your content more credibility.

#23 – Create List Articles

List articles are powerful promotional techniques you can create for your site. Large lists do very well in attracting new readers and help give readers many options and ideas from one place.

When creating list articles, use large numbers that are going to grab attention. Using large numbers in your titles have more power in attracting more visitors to your content.

Here is an example:

50 Inspiring Quotes from 50 Music Stars

#24 – Eye-catching Feature Images

Adding a theme image to the article will create a visual, unique look to it.

Visually, the content must possess a professional look to it and a feature image will help you obtain that.

#25 – Add Screenshots to the Content

Nothing will help your reader understand more the topic by creating screenshots and placing them within the content.

If an idea is too profound to understand using just words, explaining the idea through a screenshot can ease the confusion of a reader.

Example Only – 101 Steps to Becoming a Better Blogger

101 Steps to Becoming a Better Blogger.

Here are 101 steps to becoming a better blogger…

1. First, I’m going to assume you’re using WordPress. You are using WordPress aren’t you? The built-in SEO and pinging functions make WordPress a search engine machine.

2. Sign up for Feedburner.

3. Post at least once a day.

4. Optimize your blog for the search engines.

5. Make sure you have an “About Me” page.

6. Submit your blog to 9Rules.

7. Submit your blog to NewsNow.

8. Let your readers see the REAL you. Blogging is more personal than conventional websites. Don’t be afraid to tell a few
stories from your own life. By being real and personal, you will build a relationship with your readers based on loyalty and trust.

9. Blog and ping.

10. Submit your blog to rss and blog directories.

11. Use trackbacks.

12. Get involved in the blogosphere. Being a blogger is about being part of a community. Leave comments on other
blogs and get to know your favorite bloggers.

13. Give your blog it’s own unique voice… You!

14. Spend 99% of your time focused on creating unique, quality content. Content is King; or as John Reese says, “content is King Kong”.

15. Add a large RSS subscription button to your site.

16. Place an RSS feed link at the bottom of every post.

17. Set up a MyBlogLog Widget.

18. Encourage social bookmarking after every post.

Install these plugins to optimize your blog:

19. Akismet – This plugin helps eliminate comment spam.

20. Optimal Title – This plugin allows you to optimize the title of your blog post in order to improve your search engine rankings.

21. Ultimate Tag Warrior – The best tag system for WordPress.

22. Google Sitemap Generator – This plugin will enable you to automatically generate a Google sitemap for your blog.

23. Show Top Commentators – This plugin encourages feedback and discussion by rewarding the top commentators with a link back to their site in the sidebar.

24. Related Posts – This plugin will find other blog posts that are related to the current post. This encourages extra page views and keeps readers at your blog for a longer period of time.

25. Super Archive – One of the best archives system.

26. WP-Cache – This plugin is an extremely efficient caching system that will make your site much faster.

27. WP-ContactForm – This plugin allows your readers to easily email you. It also helps avoid spam.

28. Popularity Contest – This plugin determines which of your posts are most popular and then puts them in the sidebar.

29. Adsense Deluxe – This plugin makes it easy to implement Adsense into your blog.

30. Sociable – This plugin helps you spread your content through social bookmarking sites like Digg,,reddit, and others.

31. Feedburner Feed Replacement – This plugin directs all of your feed traffic to Feedburner, ensuring accurate readership stats. This plugin will also convert any existing subscribers from the old feed to the FeedBurner

32. Create a custom blog design. Your blog is a symbol of your brand. Make it uniquely you.

33. Add photos to each of your posts.

34. Use tagging.

35. Share the link love.

36. Publish a full feed instead of a partial feed.

37. Consider approaching newspapers with a story about your blog. Remember, journalists are hungry for content and if
you can come up with a unique twist, then you could get some great coverage.

38. Persistence is the key. Give your blog at least 6 months before you start expecting great returns on all of your hard work. Believe me, it will pay off in the long run.

39. Submit exclusive content to high-profile sites.

40. Syndicate a press release. Take some time to craft a truly compelling and newsworthy press release and send it to some of the top journalists and bloggers. You can then submit it to the main press release sites, including PRWeb and PRLeap.

41. Turn your articles into podcasts.

42. Turn your articles into videos using PowerPoint to create an entertaining slideshow. Submit your video to all of the
popular video sites, including Google Video, YouTube, and others.

43. Submit to blog carnivals.

44. Participate in and submit to social web 2.0 sites, including Reddit, Digg, Delicious, Netscape, and Stumble Upon.

45. Turn your articles into downloadable reports/ebooks.

46. Join Blogburst.

47. Syndicate your articles to EzineArticlesGoArticlesiSnare,
American Chronicle, and other high-profile article directories.

48. Exchange guest posts with other bloggers.

49. Participate in group writing projects and memes.

50. Create a Squidoo lens that links back to your blog and established you as an industry expert in your chosen field.

51. Interview industry experts. This is one of the best ways to create original, engaging content.

52. Offer an e-mail newsletter in addition to RSS. An email newsletter allows you to form a closer relationship with
your visitors and picks up those who still aren’t comfortable with RSS technology.

53. Ask your visitors for suggestions on how to improve your website’s content because in the end, it’s really all about your readers.

54. Create a customized 404 page.

55. Claim your blog on Technorati.

56. Enable automatic trackback and ping functionality.

57. If someone mentions your website on their blog, thank that blogger in the comments of the post and send them a thank you note. You can monitor any mentions of your blog using Google Alerts, Technorati, and Blogpulse.

58. Make contact with related bloggers online as well as offline.

59. Build up the readership of your blog using StumbleUpon Ads.

60. Edit yourself ruthlessly.

61. Translate your site into multiple languages. This is one tactic that few sites are taking advantage of.

62. Have your blog reviewed by ReviewMe.

63. Become a Guest Blogger.

64. Use Google Analytics.

65. Validate your feeds.

66. Claim your blog at Feedster.

67. Interact with your readers. Blogging is a two-way communication tool. The most successful bloggers interact with their readers. They answer reader emails and comments and ask for feedback and suggestions on a regular basis.

68. Write about something that you love. You will not succeed if you are working at something you don’t enjoy. As Dale
Carnegie once said, “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”

69. Attend blogging conferences.

70. Invite your readers to submit articles.

Top Ways to Monetize Your Blog:

71. Kontera ContentLink

72. Text Link Ads

73. BlogAds

74. Ad Brite

75. Direct Ad sales & Sponsorships

76. Affiliate Sales

77. Google Adsense

78. ReviewMe

79. Bidvertiser

80. AuctionAds

81. Some of the best ways to monetize your RSS feed include theFeedBurner Ad Network and Text Link Ads.

Blog Writing Tips:

82. Learn to write great headlines.

83. Make your articles scannable. People don’t read on the Internet. They scan.

84. Use numbers in your titles to attract attention.

85. Vary your content. Be unique. Create a quiz. Interview a fellow blogger. Poll your readers. Review a book. Shake it
up a bit to keep your readers interested.

86. Edit your writing ruthlessly.

87. Write like you talk.

88. Write with passion. It will come through in your writing.

89. Say something worth reading.

90. Always write with your reader in mind. Imagine that you are chatting with them over lunch at a local cafe.

91. Make your important points up front.

92. Include bullet point lists.

93. Create a “top 10″ list.

94. Create a “How To” article.

95. Create a weekly or monthly roundup of great posts from around the blogosphere.

96. Watch for trends in your industry.

97. Read voraciously and bring your readers the golden nuggets of everything you learn.

98. If you ever find yourself with writer’s block, check out 101 Great Posting Ideas.

99. Leave your readers hungry for more. Give them a quick preview of what you’ll be posting the next day. They
are much more likely to come back if they are already excited about the next days post. Anticipation is
one of the greatest marketing tactic.

100. Have fun! Blogging doesn’t always have to be serious. Feel free to make your posts fun and entertaining.

101. If you’re still looking for blogging tips, then here are some great resources: ProBloggerJohnChow, and Successful Blog.

How to Make Christmas Morning a Hit

Christmas morning is full of excitement, especially if you have young children who will be up at the crack of dawn looking for signs of Santa Claus. It can be chaos and a very early wake up call, if you don’t have a plan or a routine set out before.

My Mother always did two things which helped make our Christmas morning a little easier on the grown ups and yet still exciting and wonderful for the children. First, on Christmas Eve we were allowed to open one present. She would pick which one it would be for each of us, four siblings. It didn’t occur to me until much later in life that she knew just which presents she was giving us. For the first dozen or so years I was always surprised that the four gifts she seemed to pick randomly from the pile were always new nightgowns or pajamas.

So we would wear our new night clothes to bed and already have the fun of opening a present and having something new. I think that helped spread the excitement out a bit and take off some of the edge from the suspense and wound up feeling we all had.

The second smart thing she always did was to have a rule that the parents could not be woken up until they either go themselves up or it was at least 7:30 AM. We had to be even quieter when my Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle were visiting. My Grandmother would wake up if a pin dropped. It wasn’t so hard being quiet though.

We were allowed to open our Christmas stockings without waiting for the adults. Those would have assorted small things to keep us busy. Little toys, a new book, when we were younger and then useful things, like a new hair brush, lip balm, or nice smelling soap, as we grew older. Sometimes the stocking gifts were reminders to brush our teeth and hair while we waited for everyone else to get up.

The smartest thing she put in the stocking were edible, not candy. There would be nuts to crack, granola bars and other snacks. The best thing of all (for me) was the Christmas orange which was always at the bottom toe of the Christmas stocking. Usually there were a few of them. Christmas is still about the taste of oranges for me. I buy them for myself every Christmas holiday.

We didn’t have a television in the room with the Christmas stockings and the tree. So there would be no one watching TV on Christmas morning. But, we would have the radio and we could put the Christmas music on whichever radio stations were playing it. Most of them would be on Christmas morning of course. The radio had to be pretty quiet but we liked listening to all the same old Christmas tunes and they were just fine as background or (when a favourite came on) it could be turned up if we closed the door to keep it from waking up Grandmother.

The food and small gifts would keep us busy until parents and guests were starting to stir. We would sit in the room with the Christmas tree, still lit from Christmas Eve. But, we never opened anything. My brother and one of my sisters would be sorting out presents, getting them in piles, ready to open everything. There would be some guessing, trying to decide what everything was. Some were obvious and some a mystery.

Once the adults were up, all of us in pajamas with hair every which way (but we did wash – the hair just seemed less important), we would help get breakfast started. Four young people can get things moving along quickly when they really have the spirit of co-operation. Breakfast was not rushed. We talked, we made plans for the day. it was a good way to move things along and yet calm down the rush to open gifts. Everyone was mellow, well fed and feeling comfortable by the time we actually did go back out to the room with the Christmas tree and all the gifts, lights and shiny things.

Presents were opened in some order, decided as we went along mainly. But, there were no more than two or three being opened at once. The adults were included. I think it was a very big help that the adults had gifts from the children too. We would happily stop opening gifts of our own so we could see how the adults reacted to the gifts we had wrapped up for them. Christmas was about giving for us. I still love Christmas shopping and finding just the right gift for everyone on my list.

After the presents were opened we cleaned up all the wrappings. I liked to stick the ribbons and bow in our hair for my sisters and I. We would wear them until the stickiness faded and then they would be tided up too. After things were sorted out around the Christmas tree the adults would make coffee and have a card game. My brother and I would play too, if there were spots open for another player.

That would be our Christmas morning. The rest of the day would come along, no real plan. There would be time for playing in the snow, or just taking a walk outside. It’s a shame there usually isn’t much snow for Christmas any more. I miss the heaps of snow at Christmas.

Fresh and Delicious Ideas for Christmas Breakfast

Don’t Post – Blogging 101

Course Id: 1087-30
Course Start Date: 12-20-2012- Course End Date: 01-17-2013
Instructor: Dan Blank
Available Seats: 12       
Tuition: $199
Do you want to use online media to connect with other writers, readers, and those who can help you fulfill your goals in writing and publishing? Having a blog is an incredibly effective way to help you do so. In this course, you will discover not only the power of blogging, but the step-by-step process of creating a blog, developing its content, managing the process, and using it to market yourself and connect with others online.
Course Level: Beginner/Intermediate Writers

Required Book(s): 

Workshop Length: 
4 weeks

 Dan Blank (Bio)
Course Structure
The workshop will consist of four one-week sessions. Each session will include text-based online lectures, along with a writing assignment to be submitted to the instructor for private review. In addition, work will be posted each session for group review and feedback. Throughout the workshop you will be able to participate in asynchronous lecture discussion and encouraged to take advantage of ongoing informal discussions and posted self-directed writing and creativity exercises.

You will learn:
  • The basics of how to set up a blog from a technical level.
  • Techniques for writing for the web.
  • How to set clear and reasonable goals for creating a successful, yet manageable blog.
  • How to generate blog content ideas.
  • How to manage your blog effectively.
  • How to create an editorial calendar.
  • How to interact with readers on your blog and build your community presence.
  • What search engine optimization is and how to use it to your advantage.
  • Tips on integrating your blog with social media.

Who should take this course:

  • Anyone who wants to create a meaningful blog full of compelling content.
  • Writers looking to build their online media presence and expand their author platform.
  • Bloggers who have tried and failed to find a sustainable system to manage their blogs.


Session 1: Setting Up Your Blog
In this session we focus on creating a strategic framework for your blog that aligns with your goals as a writer. In this session, you will:
  • Identify your audience.
  • Establish specific goals for your blog.
  • Create a list of keywords that you will use in your pitch and for search engine optimization.
  • Create a short online bio that positions your brand online.

Writing Assignment:

  • Define your specific goals for blogging. What are you hoping to achieve, how will you measure success, and what is your ideal timeframe for achieve these goals.
  • Create a list of three (or fewer) specific audiences you are targeting.
  • Create a list of 10 keywords or phrases that describe your brand/writing.
  • Research and identify the following for each niche: prominent blogs, forums and people on Twitter. Limit the list to 10 for each.
  • Write a short bio for 160 characters or fewer that describes you, the value you offer, and aligns to your goals.
Session 2: Creating Blog Content
In this session we tackle the issue of consistently creating compelling content that speaks to your intended audience. You will complete the following:
  • Learn how to brainstorm topics and research what your audience wants to read.
  • Understand what makes a good blog post.
  • Learn how to write for the web.
  • Learn the basics of search engine optimization.

Writing Assignment:

  • Create a mindmap that outlines the topics you’ll cover on your blog.
  • Identify the top 10 things that drive the conversation with your audience.
  • Write 10 blog headlines.
  • Write your first blog post of 500–1,000 words.
Session 3: How to Manage Your Blog
In this session we will review productivity tips and how to structure your efforts to focus only on what produces results. You will complete the following:
  • Decide on the types of content you want to provide, and create a content schedule.
  • Create a month-long editorial calendar.
  • Learn how to prioritize your time.
  • Ways to analyze your work so you know what’s working and what isn’t.

Writing Assignment:

  • Identify your ideal update schedule for launch (number of posts per week) and specific content-types for each post.
  • Create a month-long editorial calendar.
Session 4: Build Your Audience
In this session you will learn the basics on how to connect with others and begin growing your blog traffic. You will complete the following:
  • How to integrate your blog with other marketing and social media efforts such as Twitter, newsletters, etc.
  • How to interact with and partner with other bloggers, including your “competition.”
  • Discover ways to drive additional traffic to your site.

Writing Assignment:

  • Create a Twitter account if you don’t already have one.
  • Identify five bloggers you would love to connect with.
  • Measure page views for your first few days of blogging, along with your most popular blog posts and top referrers.

Against Homophobia

My nephew is a 16 year old boy/ young man in high school. His generation has very different issues from mine, when I was in high school. I remember the campaigns about not doing drugs. His school has campaigns about accepting homosexuality, promoting it as an option. Quite different from the years of campaigning against teens having sex at all.

I think about the issue of homosexuality, not as pro or con but how it has grown and been shoved at us to the point where almost no one dares to say anything against it. If you aren’t pro homosexulaity you are afraid it, homophobic. This is as silly as saying someone against smoking has a fear of cigarettes. I think the fear does come into play as people are not allowed to speak out against the issue of homosexuality, without facing backlash and being accused of being some kind of bigot, snob, or worse. I haven’t heard of anyone beating up homosexuals in the streets in many years. Now, the reverse seems more likely. Speaking your opinion in any way not supporting homosexuality and the other gender options is likely to get you beat up, at least verbally.

Anyway, I do think about the whole thing, as it pertains to the young people especially. I was once asked how I know I am not gay or bisexual. I gave it some thought. How do I know? When I think about having someone’s hands caressing my body in a loving/ sexual way they are a man’s hands. I don’t feel the same about a woman. Yes, I could be turned on by a woman, just as I could be turned on using a sex toy. But, is using a sex toy the same as a lover? Not in my thinking. A man’s hands, the size and shape of them, the extra bit of hair on the back of the hands and knowing the man they

Video Games for Urban Exploration

Part of the reason I like video games is to explore them. Whether you pick a game with cars which race through the countryside, or villagers trying to build up a city before the army comes to crush it some video games are made to be explored by people who like art, history and technology. In short, urban explorers.

The Sad Ruin of the Historic Guildwood Inn

            I can remember very little of my own trip to the Guild Inn when it was still open and operating as a restaurant and hotel. My family went for some occasion. Grandparents were there with us. The only thing I remember is walking through the parking lot, to the door of the restaurant and being seated at the table. I have a vague image in my head of the table settings. So long ago I can't think what year it would have been.

The Guild Inn is closed for business. Abandoned and falling into ruins. It is one of the saddest places to visit if you love history, old buildings and especially if you love the old, historical places of Toronto in particular. When I visit the Guild Inn I feel this is where our history comes to die. It is a graveyard, not for human bodies, but for art and architecture and grand old things from times gone by.