Little People – a tiny street art project – Original link.

The new link is Slinkachu. Abandoning miniatures since 2006.

From first seeing this idea for photographing miniature people in difficult or dangerous situations, living in the big world, I wanted to try it myself. I did for awhile. But, I didn’t get the miniatures, as small as these. I used recycled dolls from the thrift stores.

I’d still like to try this again, with the small miniatures. You can get them from places where model trains are sold, or online at places that deal with hobbies like dollhouse makers, model railroad builders, etc.

The Little People

After being inspired by photos taken of little dolls in peril or just trying to cope in the big world, I have found my own little people to experiment with. I’ve seen people use Barbie dolls, some kind of revenge against the media thing I think. But, I was pleased to find these two Bratz dolls at the GoodWill yesterday. Not only do they have that less than pleased look but they are not blonde. That is just a bit overdone as a stereotype. These Bratz grrls will have more range for true torment and real peril. So, for yet another mad science experiment… here are Dorothy and Thumbelina.

So far the hardest part is getting them in good focus. Even when I’m sure I’ve got several good photos when I look at them I end up deleting all but one or two cause they are blurry looking. I’m going to see what tricks and ideas I can find from other sites and people who are taking close up photos of little things.