in Creative Fat Grrl

It Takes Bravery to Get Old

It takes bravery to get old. Young people won’t know, or may scoff at the idea, until they get here too. If they get here, not everyone is fortunate enough to get old.

Getting old means dealing with your health in new and innovative ways. You take pills and don’t really know what to expect from them. You go for tests and don’t know what they’re going to do to you. You trust people, professionals, who were in diapers and learning how to drink from a cup just a short time ago.

Getting old itself. Knowing things aren’t what they used to be. Knowing other people, younger people, look at you and see an old woman. They don’t see the person you are. Every old face is a resting bitch face.

You measure things differently, especially time. More of your decisions are about time than quality or quantity.

It takes bravery to look at yourself in a mirror and see yourself, still there. To find yourself, as they said long, long ago.