This Site is “As Is”

This site is a work in progress. Mainly thousands of posts I have written or curated over 20 years of publishing content online. Some of them were ideas started and not finished. It’s a mess with a lot of broken links, image files, and other related problems.

I’m working on it. But, I may have to live a very long time to ever finish it. If you wandered in here you can read but not copy anything I have written, or images I have created. You may be better to just go back where you came from.

Best wishes,


Backyard Orchardist

Tis the season for driving along country lanes and finding apple trees loaded with fresh fruit, never picked. Kind of sad those trees that grow forgotten along the road. Once they would have been picked, the apples used in pies or eaten right off the tree. Now people just drive on by and only notice them in passing. Yet those are our history, our heritage.

Next time you see an apple tree stop and pick a few. Some may be bug eaten, but some of the brown patches are only places where it rubbed on the tree branch and not anything you can’t just peel away. It may be the best apple you have ever had, if you give them a chance. Of those I picked almost all were edible, not bug eaten as I expected they would be. One was especially delicious. It’s a shame I don’t know what kind of apple tree it came from.

Would you grow an apple from seed? Have you ever grown a plant from seed? Why not try one, even something tropical or exotic and have it grow by your writing space. Keep your seedling company and let it inspire you with something fresh and growing where you work.

Grave Recycling

As land becomes more valuable and there are more people needing burial plots, old cemeteries will be dug up for new bodies to replace the old. Think this is not possible? It is already happening (or soon will be) in Cape Town, South Africa.