in Canadian Culture

In Canada the Worms are Arrogant

The Arrogant WormsThe Arrogant Worms are from Ontario, Canada. Three men who write and perform comedy to their own music, in their own way. Not everyone will like them. They will step on some toes (quite a feat for worms). But, if you let your guard down they will make you laugh too. Don’t forget I did warn you – they step on toes – before you listen/ watch the video posts below.

There is even a song about Ontario sucking, so don’t think it’s just you.

Some Worm History

The Arrogant Worms met in university in 1990. Maybe they were chasing the same bird.

By 1991 they were performing on campus radio in Queens University, Kingston, Ontario.. That same year they appeared on CBC Radio’s Basic Black program. With encouragement from fans their first album was released in 1992, indie style.

Currently there are a dozen albums with Space being the latest of them.

Current members of the group are: Mike McCormick, Chris Patterson and Trevor Strong.

In 2003 the Canadian Arts Presenters Association recognized the Arrogant Worms as Touring Act of the Year.

More recently, the Worms were awarded the Peter Gzowski Award for donating their time and talent to the cause of literacy in Canada.

If you want to support, follow or try to explain your point of view to the Arrogant Worms you can find them online.

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