in Creative Fat Grrl

Posted to Ontario Barn Preservation – Wind Farms

This is my post for the Ontario Barn Preservation newsletter for April, 2022. My first couple of newsletter posts were a bit bland. But, I’ve started thinking of more interesting topics, I think. So I’m going to re-post them for myself here at my own site.

Spring has me thinking about wind farms.

Ontario has wind farms (wind turbines and wind power farms). To me they seem to be a good way to have the land pay for itself, especially if it is no longer being farmed in other ways. But, others don’t like the wind farms at all. Some claim they are noisy. But, we parked beside one on a country road, turned off the car and listened to it turning. There seemed very little noise. I think the main concern are birds flying into them. People are coming up with solutions for this but nothing works 100%, so far.

If you have thought about having a wind farm, there are a few things to consider:

  • Average wind speeds. The location needs enough wind, year round. You can use an anemometer to measure wind energy. Keep track of the wind over the year and see if you have a good location.
  • Location regarding access to roads for maintenance, transmission lines (if you plan to sell energy back to the power company), bird migration patterns, air traffic and radar signals (check with the government offices), water in the area (a tall structure needs a solid base to build on).
  • Even if this is a DIY project you need to get permits. You will need to know all the above for getting a permit.
  • Construction of a turbine requires, among other things, an electrician to set it up. They also require regular maintenance. They may not be trouble free but once a wind turbine is up and working it does seem practical for generating power and income if you sell it back to the power company.

Canadian Renewable Energy Association – Wind Energy

David Suzuki Foundation – A post about Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm, Ontario’s first wind community. Located in Oxford County.

Henvey Inlet – the largest single-phase wind project in Ontario. Generates enough clean, renewable energy to power approximately 100,000 Ontario homes.

Wind Concerns Ontario is a province-wide advocacy organization whose mission is to provide information on the potential impact of industrial-scale wind power generation on the economy, human health, and the natural environment.

Wikipedia – List of Wind Farms in Canada

The Wind Power – See more about wind power from around the world.

Image from Forest History Society of Ontario.