Saved for posterity. Most of the links don’t go very far.
ODP .sig Code
This little code originated in a forum thread back in late 2002. We have both an encoder (provided by jtaylorj) and a decoder (provided by ciaran)!
The following explanatory blurb is ripped off from the geek code. Make the appropriate modifications in your head, please.
Geeks, of all people, can seldom be strictly quantified. To facilitate the fact that within any one category you may not be able to determine a specific rating, variables have been designed to allow this range to be included.
@ – for this variable, said trait is not very rigid, may change with time or with individual interaction. For example, Geeks who happen to very much enjoy Star Trek: The Next Generation, but dislike the old 60’s series might list themselves as t++@.
() – for indicating “cross-overs” or ranges. Geeks who go from C+ to C— depending on the situation (i.e. mostly “C+”) could use C+(—). @ is different from () in that () has finite limits within the category, while @ ranges all over.
< – for ‘wannabe’ ratings. Indicating that while the geek is currently at one rating, they are striving to reach another. For example, C++>$ indicating a geek that is currently computer savvy, but wants to someday make money at it.
$ – Indicates that this particular category is done for a living. For example, UL+++$ indicates that the person utilizes Unix and gets paid for it. Quite a lucky geek, for sure. ODP Code note: this only applies to staff!
? – Unless stated otherwise within the specific category, the ? is placed after the category identifier and indicates that the geek has no knowledge about that specific category. For example, a person that has never even heard of Babylon 5, would list their Babylon 5 category as 5?
! – Placed before the category. Unless stated otherwise, indicates that the person refuses to participate in this category. This is unlike the ? variable as the ? indicates lack of knowledge, while the ! indicates stubborn refusal to participate. For example, !E would be a person that just plain refuses to have anything to do with Emacs, while E? would be a person that doesn’t even know what Emacs is.
Let the ODP Code begin!
- E = Editor
- E+ = Editall
- E++ = Editall+Catmv
- E+++ = Meta
- E+- = Cateditall
- E++- = Catmod
- E! = Staff
- F++++ = I’m totalxsive.
- F+++ = Seriously addicted to the forums. I’ve learned several languages by reading each and every World forum thread.
- F++ = Active on a daily basis. A forum is the first thing that comes to my mind when hearing “Café”, “Penguin”, or a combination of both.
- F+ = Reading relevant threads quite regularly. I’m even contributing to fun forum threads once in a while.
- F = I’ve been to the Penguin Café once, and I remember participating in a reorg discussion about… well… whatever.
- F- = I introduced myself in the New Editor Forum several months ago. Oh, and I read some threads about current reorganisations. Well – at least item0.
- F– = ODP forums? Boooooring!! I prefer to post to external forums, mocking fellow editors.
- F!: I’ve just discovered/remembered that UBB code (and similar) doesn’t work here. (now obsolete)
Duration of Editorship
- D = just joined (less than a year)
- D+ = 12 – 23 months
- D++ = 24 – 35 months
- D+++ = 36 – 47 months
- D++++ = 48 months – 59 months
- D+++++ = five years or more
- D* = I am skrenta.
- D- = I would like to join.
- D+++x = I am on a break from the ODP (+++ = total “active” time before the break)
- D!- = I resigned by my own free will (no abuse etc.)
- D! = I have been removed from the ODP.
- D!! = I have an ODP hate site.
Other Directories
Number of Edits
- N? = 0
- N— = 1 – 50
- N– = 51-100
- N- = 101-500
- N = 501-1000
- N+ = 1001-5000
- N++ = 5001-10000
- N+++ = 10001-50000
- N! = rpfuller
- G = I’ve suggested smilies and/or Mozzies in the appropriate threads, but have never made any.
- G+ = I’ve submitted a couple of smilies or at least one Mozzie.
- G++ = I’ve submitted at least 2 smilies and 2 Mozzies or I have bea-u-tified my Editor profile page.
- G+++ = I’ve helped with making Editor Awards, and I’ve submitted both smilies and Mozzies.
- G++++ = I’ve submitted smileys and Mozzies faster than Business gets spammed.
- G+++++ = I edit Bookmarks/M/mozzie and/or host Editor Awards on my own server(s).
- G* = I’m enarra.
- G- = I wish I knew how to design or make graphics.
- G! = Graphics, who needs ’em? I view the web in text only.
- G? = Why can’t we have animated smilies and Mozzies?
- G?!?! = I don’t understand why there isn’t an all Flash version of the ODP.
Edit Quality
- Q = average quality edits
- Q+ = good quality edits
- Q++ = great edits!
- Q+++++ = they asked me to become an editall after 100 edits
- Q- = working on it
- Q– = oops!
- Q—: Whaht iz zpellinghk? Geidleighns?
- Lu = B-ing @ luser’z kewl!
- Lo = I’m a loser. So what? Peons are a necessary part of any group.
- Lu(o) = Sometimes my ego doesn’t overshadow my loserness.
- Lo(u) = I’ll proudly admit to being a loser in the proper context, of course.
- Lu>o = I’m maturing and one day won’t be so proud of my status, but I’ll still be a loser.
- Lo>u = I’m trying to be a “kewl” loser.
- L> = I’m attempting to achieve non-loser status, but I’m not there yet.
- L? = I don’t get it.
- !L? = I refuse to designate something I don’t understand.
- !L = I refuse to participate in (or admit to) having loser status.
- L@ = I range across the entire loser scale.
Editing Activity
- A+++++ = I’m a human robot.
- A++++ = If I don’t do at least 100 edits a day I get withdrawal symptoms. I sleep in the ODP IRC room.
- A+++ = I’m not going out as much as I used to. My marriage is showing signs of weakness caused by too much late night editing.
- A++ = I’ve started applying for new cats because I’ve run out of greens.
- A+ = I log on regularly to edit. I’ve even started adding non-submitted sites.
- A = I doing just enough editing to keep ‘my’ cats maintained, but that’s all you’ll see of me.
- A- = I’m still around, just not logging in as much as I used to be.
- A– = I’m still looking after my pet cats; sometimes.
- A— = I hardly recognise any of the editor names anymore.
- A—- = I’ve forgotten how to work the edit buttons. If they don’t ban me for bad editing, I’ll accidently timeout soon.
- A! = I’ve temporarily stopped all editing for reasons too complex to explain, but I will be back.
- A!! = I’ve timed out having previously set A!: I thought I’d be back, but evidently not.
- H– = Neither uses nor recognizes humor. Probably isn’t reading this.
- H- = Just the facts, ma’am/man.
- H = A little laughter helps break the tension.
- H+ = A lot of laughter really helps break the tension.
- H++ = Don’t read my posts while drinking cocoa, that crt’s hard to clean.
- H! = magne
Where Editing Happens
- W = At work, of course
- W+ = At work and at home
- W++ = At work and at home and with a laptop…everywhere
- W- = At home
- W– = At home on weekends
- W! = DMOZ wouldn’t run without me…I own a small computer company so I can edit anywhere
- W!! = What are you talking about? This is my work, my social life, the reason for my existence.
- W? = I never edit. I just read the forums on the library’s computer when I get there.
Opinion of ODP
- O+++ = It’s perfect. I can’t think of anything that could be made better.
- O++ = It’s very good, but it has a few flaws.
- O+ = Mostly, it works. Sometimes, it doesn’t – but I can live with that.
- O = It’s just another directory.
- O- = It’s a good idea in theory, but it’s obviously not in practice.
- O– = It’s not even a good idea in theory. It was obvious volunteer-run directories would lead to chaos from the start.
- O— = It sucks. ODP should be taken out and shot.
- B+ = I’m a good editor and never bump any threads that I’m not supposed to.
- B = I’ve probably bumped the odd thread now and again that I shouldn’t.
- B- = I’ve bumped 07:10PM, No, Miriamisms, Lycos is using a false editor name and Welcome to the Forum.
- B– = I’ve bumped all of the above and more.
- B! = I’ve received a staff warning for my bumping.
This Code (not presently recognized by the decoder)
- C- = This is cute, but we should have spent the time editing.
- C = Finally, a system to quantify myself in relation to other editors so that I know where I can increase my involvement in the project.
- C+ = I submitted suggestions for the code.
- C* = I’m either etoile or ciaran.
Editor Tools
- T! = The last time I used a power tool I broke something and autumn had to fix it.
- T– = I’m afraid to use power tools.
- T- = Tools? What tools?
- T = I use tools occasionally.
- T+ = I have at least one tool bookmarked.
- T++ = I’ve suggested a new tool or feature that was implemented.
- T+++ = I’ve created at least one tool.
- T++++ = I recreated at least one of nurey’s tools.
- T* = I’m rpfuller or dlugan.
- T+++!!: I’m autumn.
Interaction Online
- I— = Instant Messaging is stupid. What’s wrong with feedback?
- I– = Never used IM for ODP matters, but may consider it
- I- = I have at least 1 IM system, but never talked to any other editors with it.
- I = I occasionally talk to other editors online
- I+ = I regularly talk to other editors and pop into #ODP now and again
- I++ = I got broadband just so that could IM all day, and spend a lot of time in #ODP
- I+++ = I live in #ODP, and would suffer withdrawal symptons if it ever went away
- I! = I host the ODP:IRC server
Social Interaction (not presently recognized by the decoder)
- S! = I won’t meet people from the internet – don’t you watch the news?!
- S– = I’ve never met or spoken to another editor offline.
- S- = I’ve talked to a few on the phone… what a buncha geeks!
- S = I’ve met one or two editors in person or talk to several regularly by phone.
- S+ = I socialize with several regularly in person or have newwave on speed-dial.
- S++ = I’ve attended an editor gathering or meetup.
- S+++ = I’ve slept in robjones‘s barn multiple times or slept with raggedyrugs at least once.
- S++++ I’ve organized or hosted an editor gathering or meetup.
- S* = I met my spouse through ODP (e.g., kfander).
Kategories (yeah, yeah, C was already taken – this is for your main focus)
- Kar = Arts
- Kbu = Business
- Kco = Computers
- Kga = Games
- Khe = Health
- Kho = Home
- Kkt = Kids and Teens
- Kne = News
- Krc = Recreation
- Krf = Reference
- Krg = Regional
- Ksc = Science
- Ksh = Shopping
- Kso = Society
- Ksp = Sports
- Kwo = World
What does your code say about you? Though instead of decoding with a bar code scanner, these codes have to be looked at to understand them. While a symbol scanner equipped with a touch screen monitor may help in business, decoding ODP code is half the fun!
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