in Creative Fat Grrl

Old Blog – April 2003

APRIL 14, 2003
BONZI BUDDY INVASIONI’ve updated my AdAware. LavaSoft’s freeware spy catcher software. It works great. Much better than the old version I’ve had for ages. It just occured to me to check for an update. The new version got rid of a lot of stuff, mostly left from Alexa, that the old version of AdAware didn’t catch.

PS- Snood is working fine now but it did automatically install that damn Bonzi Buddy on my computer. No screen to ask if it was ok first. I just opened my menu and there it was. It was all over the computer too. Very invasive. Very poor of the Snood people to do that. Makes me angry really. They want you to pay for their game but they stick you with invasive software that takes another program to get rid of it. At least I hope it’s all gone. How can you really be sure? I haven’t yet done a registry search but AdAware seemed to be pretty thorough in it’s own search of the registry so I’m leaving it for now.

Anyway, BOOO to Snood. I wouldn’t pay for it after this. I do like the game but I don’t want to support a company that supports Bonzi Buddy. Makes you wonder about the Snood program itself.

Posted by ltripp at 12:58 AM
APRIL 13, 2003
RIDDLE ME THISWelcome to the Weekly Escape

A weekly newsletter with quotations and really good riddles. I’ve subscribed. I especially like the riddles.

Posted by ltripp at 11:05 PM
APRIL 12, 2003
AFTERWARDSI had a great day yesterday.

The Tim Hortons I remembered from the last time I was lost but it was a LOT farther than I thought. I drove almost up to the lake. It was actually in Keswick. I stopped in Canadian Tire cause that was right there too. I bought some practical rust inhibitor for my car and the pretty impractical sewing machine. It’s pretty small but it was $40 compared to the $400 one that someone stole when I moved back here.

After all that driving I never did go to that Tim Hortons. They had it cut off in the parking lot so you had to go back on the highway and then spin around really fast to get into their driveway. Instead I had lunch at the Swiss Chalet across the street. Nice lunch at just the time before the lunch crowd started. Very peaceful and I enjoyed sitting in the sunny window.

On the way back I took a detour or two just to see where they went. I considered going home as I got back that way but instead I drove right past the house and went to Uxbridge for groceries and a Tim Hortons coffee there.

Other than the groceries which I needed anyway and the sewing machine the whole trip cost just over $20, including gas. Pretty nice day and I had the radio cranked up the whole ride. Windows down too cause it was beautiful outside after all our snow and ice.

Posted by ltripp at 12:58 PM
APRIL 11, 2003
SOMETHING I WROTE DOWN AT WORK ONE DAYYou get punished for the things you do wrong. But seldom are you rewarded for the good things. Instead, the things you do right are taken for granted. I think thats one problem in parenting. Kids who do well are over looked for the kids who do wrong. Thus kids are not rewarded for good behaviour, honesty and etc.

Posted by ltripp at 11:52 PM
Life of the bedroom

What sex catagory do you fit?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by ltripp at 09:28 PM
FRIDAY ROAD TOURIt’s Friday and I have the day off. Plus I have money! What a great day this is shaping up to be. It’s even sunny out and most of the ice storm is melted or melting. Even our driveway is showing through again. Too bad the path up to the front door is on the sheltered side, it’s still snowbound. But they say Monday will be up to 20 degrees C. That will finish all the ice/ snow.

It was kind of neat though. How often is the snow so hard and icey that you can stand on it and not have your feet sink, not even one quarter of an inch. (Using imperial measurements for the Americans).

So, what are the plans for the day? No plans! Those are the best plans. I might go to Chapters, I might go out for lunch to the Swiss Chalet or I might just drive until I stop somewhere and see what I end up with. I might even get lost and find something new. Anyway, I know there is a Tim Hortons donut shop where I can get a coffee to start the day. Its along Woodbine but north of Newmarket. So once I shut down the computer and fill up the gas tank I’m off for adventure of the road touring kind. I could even stay over night somewhere, I have Saturday off too. But, it’s a bit too much money for hotels. If only I could win the lottery!

There were some things I could have gone to but they are all in the downtown zone. Even if I could navigate the parking I’d still have to get all the way down there. People have started driving like speed idiots again now that the weather is warming up. So, I am happy to stick with north of the city. Besides, there is more to see and always a possible old house to explore. Not guaranteeing I’ll be brave enough to go in but at least I’ll see it. I can even take pictures from the road at the very least.

Well, enough typing. Time for action. Have a great day whatever you are doing.

Posted by ltripp at 08:07 AM
APRIL 10, 2003
INVASIVE BONZAI BUDDYI was wrong, it wasn’t Gator it was worse. That invasive spam program called Bonzai Buddy, however it’s spelt. That was the program that would install itself along with Snood. You couldn’t even use Snood if you turned down Bonzai Buddy. I found my old post about the whole thing in Kids BackWash.

I wrote to the program’s creator at the time and he insisted there was nothing wrong with Bonzai Buddy and it was not completely invasive. He was misled or misleading. Either way, we’ll see if he changed his tune.

Posted by ltripp at 02:15 AM
Snood is a great game. Lots of fun to play when you should be writing or whatever else you are procrastinating on. But, last time I tried it you were forced to install Gator too. Well, I do not want Gator so I decided not to keep the game either. Tonight I ran across a link to the site so I’m trying it again.

Posted by ltripp at 01:49 AM
KILLING US SOFTLYI think the scariest war news lately has been the finding of chemical/ biological weapons. Especially with the SARS and West Nile virus so much in the news here. It’s on everyone’s mind I would think. Hospitals are closed down under quarantine. How safe does that feel? How easy are we to target with some new disease that we couldn’t even hope to fight.

How damn stupid are the Americans to make a war in this day and age? It’s also ironic that so many deaths have come about due to their own people having accidents and killing each other.

Once upon a washroom stall…

Take the toys away from the boys.

It still applies.

Posted by ltripp at 12:13 AM
MONEY MONEY MONEYTomorrow is pay day and I will have money again. What a miserable invention is money. Having to count your needs by a dollar value and having to work so many hours to make so few dollars. What sadist came up with this scheme and why do we all make ourselves contine to follow it.

I’ve already put aside two pairs of pants and one new nightie that I will buy tomorrow before I start work. The pants are both marked down to $10 from being $25 when they came in stock around Christmas. So those are a good deal. I just don’t want to think about how many hours I had to work to make $20. The nightie I need because most of mine are silky things left over from the marriage that never grew. It’s time I got myself something new and not completely practical. OK, the computer games aren’t exactly practical and maybe the nightie is more practical than any of those but… I’m the one making the rules here.

Posted by ltripp at 12:06 AM
APRIL 09, 2003

Canada. Eh?

I’m thinking of titles and taglines for a Canadian newsletter at BackWash. It’s going to be monthly. There are two reasons for making it monthly. One being a lack of Canadian content to add to the newsletter. Once a month should work out just right. The other reason is that this will be my fifth newsletter at BackWash. I couldn’t do it more than monthly and find something new to write and the time to type it out.

Anyway, I like the idea of a Canadian newsletter. I don’t think I’ve really seen something like that online before. There are some “proud to be Canadian” personal sites but I don’t of any newsletters.

We’ll see how it goes.

Posted by ltripp at 12:14 AM
TODAY AND TOMORROW AND YESTERDAY TOOBlog comments are a nuisance.

I’m too tired to write tonight. I updated Adult BackWash and that’s about it for tonight. I was up early for work this morning but I’m in later, finishing at close tomorrow.

Funny how tomorrow seems like today and today seems like yesterday when you’re looking at the time and it’s 11:26 PM.

Blog spam is also a nuisance. It’s also stupid. Yeah, annoy me and leave your contact information for me to play with. Don’t think I’m quite as nice as I seem. I choose not to be a bitch, not the other way around.

Posted by ltripp at 12:00 AM
APRIL 05, 2003
RICH IS THE ONE WHO NEEDS THE LEASTI don’t know who originally came up with this and I doubt I have it exactly right, but here is a quote from “An American in Canada” a TV show on CBC TV.

The rich person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.

I really like that.

Posted by ltripp at 12:45 AM
APRIL 04, 2003
FOR FORD TEMPO PEOPLEYahoo! Groups : FordTempo

I found an email list for other Tempo owners. I posted a question about my possibly leaking gas tank. Hope someone has something constructive or informative to say about it. Now that Spring is getting closer I would like to get taking more road trips. Its nice to start out with a full tank of gas rather than half full and wondering if I should stay close to towns for the next refill or dare I wander at will. I’d rather wander at will. Getting lost, getting sidetracked and having no worries.

Posted by ltripp at 08:32 PM
APRIL 01, 2003

This is interesting. I thought it was going to be like GeoURL but it’s not.

Posted by ltripp at 11:09 PM
JANE DUVALLall I need is everything

I was going to link to this on Adult BW. Jane is the woman who reviews adult sites on the web, Jane’s Guide. But this is a lot more than a sex blog. I’m actually reading it rather than just skimming.

Posted by ltripp at 10:46 PM
I’M AN OWL?Owl. The Animal In You

Genera and species: Tyto Alba
Collective Term: A parliament of owls

The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet serene demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence and it is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that borders on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. It’s large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

But like all birds, the owl has a penchant for remaining above the fray and can be quite eccentric in maintaining their individuality. With a tendency to lose themselves in the pursuit of knowledge, owls are prone to disconnect with the relationships that are so important to them. But, they are the first to admit their shortcomings and manage to disarm their critics with a genuinely humble self-appraisal. Abraham Lincoln used this technique rather effectively in his reign as president.

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence but it’s really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohort the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.

Unlike the terrestrial creatures, the owl is not a prisoner of its sex-drive, but with its air of refined sensuality is hardly shy about throwing itself into the physical aspects of a relationship. When it focuses its sharp ardor on its lover it ignites a steamy and animated encounter. The owl views sex as a complement to its relationships and certainly not as a key component. It would do well to recognize the significance of physical affection outside the bedroom, for its partner is often starved for non-sexual reassurance.

A discussion with an owl is both enlightening and challenging. It somehow manages to spin the most mundane subjects into philosophical musings on the nature of humanity and the state of the world. While these discussions are provocative and engaging, they often obscure the real purpose of communication — the revealing of one’s heart and mind. Take heed, wise owl. Remember that sometimes things are just what they seem!

Careers and Hobbies
Bank manager Judge
Diplomat Head of state

Reading Debating
Chess Philosophy

Famous Owls
Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln. 

Posted by ltripp at 04:21 AM
APRIL FOOLS!I have no great joke planned. I won’t have time before noon. Not much anyway. I just realized it’s today. Working without a set schedule really messes with your mind and how you keep track of time. Monday was my weekend, two days smushed into one. I drove to Uxbridge. That’s become my vacation capital lately. I got a coffee at Tim Horton’s, no more free coffee on Rrroll up the Rrrim. But, I keep trying every now and then.

Happy April Fools!

Posted by ltripp at 03:56 AM
NOT ENOUGH MINUTES IN AN HOURI updated at Adult BackWash. Now I’m really tired, not quite sleepy. I have to work in the morning and wash the work uniform before I go out. How will I do it all when it’s 3:20 AM now?

Posted by ltripp at 03:53 AM

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