in Creative Fat Grrl

Mother and Me

My Mother and I have a relationship like this. Not to the point where we are fighting or angry or not talking. We live in the same house, again. I didn’t get luck and find or create a family of my own. My husband decided he didn’t want to be married after our first year of marriage. So I ended up moving back with my family again. Once my Dad died it was my Mom and I. She goes down to the US over winter so I have the house to myself half a year. It’s all so different then. As much as I do like my Mother she takes over my life and I seem to just let her. I feel like I just give in and coast along the half year she is here. Then, the other half I spend feeling like myself again and trying to get some where, until she is back again. It’s funny cause she has changed and tries to support me these days. But she still discourages me from trying anything, even though she will later say how good I am at… whatever it is. Its frustrating. I’m going to be 50 in a few more years. Lately I feel I have been slowly giving up. Anyway, TMI by far. I didn’t think anyone else actually felt the same way about their Mother or had the same growing up situation with their parents. I don’t feel quite so guilty after reading your post.

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