Bankhead, Alberta, Canada – A Ghost Town

            I found this post awhile ago, about <a href="">abandoned places around the world</a>. This was the only place in Canada posted. I haven't seen it but the photo of the old train really makes me wish to see more of this place. I'm sure you can find more photos online, try Google Maps and the big urban exploration sites. Or just search for the name on your search engine of choice. Best of all, if you are in Alberta, go explore there yourself.<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-56083" src="" alt="" width="786" height="470" />      

A List of Amusement/ Theme Parks Now Gone

            I found a site which listed <a href="">lost amusement parks</a> in Canada. It was a US site, focused on the US with photographs and written content about the US, nothing but the list for Canada. But, I made a screenshot of the list, for interest. Besides, some of these places I have not heard anything about. I can always see what I can find out about them later.

lost amusement parks Canada

Windsor, Ontario for Urban Explorers

            <div class="article-body"><a href="">Windsor Blight</a>, on Flickr

Group Description This group is for all those photos of Windsor, Ontario that exhibit the current state of property in the city. Abandoned homes, brownfields, vacant stores, empty factories, etc. The current commercial vacancy rate in downtown Windsor is an astonishing 24%. The residential vacancy rate is the highest in the country, and has been rising since 2005. Businesses are closing left and right, and our leaders don’t seem to understand the importance of a vibrant downtown. A lot can be said about this subject, but this group’s purpose is to SHOW our leaders what is happening across our city. Add your photos of blight in Windsor, and hopefully we can illustrate to the powers that be that immediate action is needed.