The Sad Ruin of the Historic Guildwood Inn

            I can remember very little of my own trip to the Guild Inn when it was still open and operating as a restaurant and hotel. My family went for some occasion. Grandparents were there with us. The only thing I remember is walking through the parking lot, to the door of the restaurant and being seated at the table. I have a vague image in my head of the table settings. So long ago I can't think what year it would have been.

The Guild Inn is closed for business. Abandoned and falling into ruins. It is one of the saddest places to visit if you love history, old buildings and especially if you love the old, historical places of Toronto in particular. When I visit the Guild Inn I feel this is where our history comes to die. It is a graveyard, not for human bodies, but for art and architecture and grand old things from times gone by.

Links from Urbex Against Vandalism

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American Urbex Gruftfoto – Schönheit des Verfalls
Squirrel Brand / 5y12u3k’s Flickr Site
360icon Explorations Verlassene Orte – Left Places
Urban Exploring Berlin Beelitz 360
Ruinenland Tom Lenferink – Urban Exploring
Grenzweltfotos HDRpix
Urban Explorers New Zealand UrbexSociety
Wieringh Photography Dolfing.NET
kgreipel photography Lostplace-Schweiz ARTWAVE Fotografie Vergessene Geschichte
rustysteps – Urban Exploration
Schröer Fotografie Territorio Abandonado
The Dirtys Photographie Urbex.Blog by aspchen Daniel Romero
Urbex.Me – Urban Exploration Urbex France Auferstanden aus Ruinen
Recurriendo al Pasado Silent Places
Wuppertal-Untertage underbelly Dubtown Urban Exploring
URBEX NRW Urbex Thuringia
That Canadian Grrl Urbexer Austria
rottenplaces Sons of Decay
D.P.U.E.T – Meeting 2012
Urban NRW
Lost Places History UNDERWORLD CITY
Verbotene Orte Forlorn Treasures
Verborgene Orte Visual Dreams
Dark Road Explorations Argentinian Club of Explorers of Abandoned Places
Whispers Urban Exploration Group Verlassenes oder Vergessenes in und um Berlin
rottenplaces Magazin Holger Kneifel – Hobbyfotografie Blog Urbex Playground

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