Gorgeous Poinsettia Fabric

I found this fabric at an Etsy shop today. It’s perfect but I don’t have any project in mind to use it for. I was just looking for poinsettias. I’m posting the picture so I can see it again and again. I especially like poinsettias around the winter holidays.

I’m going to use the image as wallpaper for my desktop computer. That will help to cheer me up over the next few months.

Denim Christmas Stocking with Fake Fur

I really like this Xmas stocking I noticed on Etsy. But, with shipping added, the price is more than doubled. How does that work? Shipping must cost sellers a lot of sales on Etsy. In this case, it likely isn’t the only Christmas stocking made in this style. Not even just looking at Etsy shops.

Holt Howard Poinsettia Girls

These are expensive little ladies. Originally each was a bell. Made in Japan, in the 1950’s. I thought they would be cute for Christmas. Only as an image, the price to buy them is too much for me.