Analog Renaissance: Have you Seen your Last Typewriter?

The Typosphere – A term for bloggers who collect, use, and otherwise obsess over typewriters and other “obsolete” technologies, including, but not limited to, handwriting, pens and ink, paper mail and mail art, knitting and fibre arts, film photography, chip-less combustion engines, and related ephemera.

Flickr: Anablogger Archives – "A repository of film photographs, doodles and drawings, pages hand- and type-written that appear on blogs."

NaNoWriMo’s Typewriter Brigade – "This group is an online meeting place for members of the NaNoWriMo "Typewriter Brigade". Also welcome are: those who are not yet members but are feeling that sudden, unexpected desire to pound out 50,000 words on an old-school typing machine, as well as those offering moral support, and gawkers of all stripes".

Flickr: Typewritten – Post anything created on a typewriter.

Flickr: The Dead Technology Society


Flickr: Lost to Progress

Flickr: Functional Antiquated Living

Ancient Industries

Flickr: iAnalog

I Dream lo-tech

Obsolete Skills


Travelling Type

Fresh Ribbon


Tlogging in the 21st Century

Adventures in Typewriterdom

Flickr: TypeSwap – "a forum for typewriter users, collectors, and businesses to buy, sell, trade, or pass along typewriters, parts, tools, manuals, and other typewriter-related materials and information".

Flickr: Typewriter

Flickr: Writing Machines – "Typewriters, printing presses and movable type – anything to do with the mechanical reproduction or creation of the written word".

The Classic Typewriter Page

Flickr: Typewriter Ribbon Tin Menagerie

Halloween Fonts

I was looking at fonts for Halloween today. I like the new feature (new to me at least) that lets you type in your own text to try out the fonts. I used it on three I liked and then cut and pasted a banner from them. Nice way to get a banner without downloading or installing the font myself.

You can see the fonts and the sites I picked at Scoop.It: Halloween Creativity


Rephotography is the act of repeat photography of the same site, with a time lag between the two images; a "then and now" view of a particular area. Some are casual, usually taken from the same view point but without regard to season, lens coverage or framing. Some are very precise and involve a careful study of the original image. Long a technique for scientific study, especially of changing ecological systems, it became formalized as a form of photographic documentary in the middle 1970s.

via Rephotography – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Could you find an old postcard or other photograph of your town, street or some area and create a ‘then and now’ rephotograph? I think getting the position just right would be tricky and take some real patience, likely several practice shots before you could hit it just right.

Other places to find rephotography:

Flickr: Rephotography
Flickr: Now and Then
Flickr: BBC Turn Back Time
Flickr: Paris Then and Now
Flickr: Vancouver "Then and Now"
Design Observer: Views Across Time
Thomas May Photography: Then and Now
Retronaut: Rephotographing St. Petersburg
Wired: Gadget Lab: Camera Software Lets You See into the Past
Web Designer Depot: Then and Now Portrait Photography by Irina Werning
Fourmilab: The Craft of "Then and Now" Photography

Five Reasons to Draw Small

Five Reasons To Draw Small

1. Doodling focuses your mind, giving you increased attention (even when it looks like you’re not).

2. You’ll increase your awareness- when doodling flowers, you’ll start to notice more aspects of a flower, the way that the stem tilts the flower, the way that the same petal shape varies with each single stem.

3. You’ll create your own style, a visual vocabulary, a way of drawing shapes and lines that is uniquely your own.

4. You’ll feel more relaxed. And creative blocks will melt away when you’re not under pressure to create something nice. The small scale makes it easier to detach from results and enjoy the sensation of making lines and circles and little faces or flowers.

5. You’ll have a bunch of small sweet drawings that will give you a feeling of satisfaction.

via 31 Days of Doodling: Creating Creative Characters | Katanaville.

I especially like drawing and doodling as a way to notice small things like the flowers written about above. It is surprising how much attention to details you get when you begin to draw something versus writing about it. Not only how does it look but what can you do to make it look that way on paper?

Try some doodling next time you feel stuck in what you are writing.

Project 52: Self Portraits

Frankly, I don’t like other people taking my picture. For some reason, their primary concern with the shot is not making sure my eyes sparkle and my double-chin is hidden.

I’ve only ever done arms-length or reflective self-portraiture. I’m becoming much more at peace with my tripod and my wonderful husband got me a remote shutter release for Christmas which opens up a world of new possibilities.

Daily Window: Tag Archives: Project 52.

Exploring the art of the self portrait. Different themes, styles and ideas for taking a photo of yourself, once a week, for a year.

What could you learn about yourself by getting closer to your own face, shape, light and shadow?

Poetry in Tags

Flickr: Tag Poetry

Find poetry in the tags used to index blogs and websites. I think it’s more about finding (and screen capturing) the right tags than writing them yourself (that would be too easy). But, you could write them. Make it look random and keep them alphabetical as if you just found them somewhere, out there.

Exploring with a Camera

From The Kat Eye View of the World- Exploring with a Camera.

The Exploring with a Camera series is intended to inspire you to see the world around you in a different way, using the camera as a tool to deepen your experience of life.

Why “Exploring” with a camera? Why not a “challenge” or an “assignment” like other photography blogs? I wanted to capture a sense of wonder and playfulness with this series, and “exploration” seemed to fit perfectly. Learning more about photography and your self – what you have to show the world – should be a fun experience.

I’m currently posting a new exploration every two weeks and include a link tool where you can join in and share. I also welcome suggestions and ideas for future exploration topics. Come and explore, and share your view!

The 52 Weeks of Pagan Art Journaling Project

The 52 Weeks of Pagan Art Journaling project has already begun. Create a personal art journal which will have you tapping into the depths of who you are and what has developed in your soul, your heart, your inner depths). Take what you really believe in and bring it onto the page in words and images. Read more and see the others participating at Aradia’s Cauldron.

Starting in February, with Brighid’s celebration of Imbolc, I’m starting 52 weeks of pagan art journaling project. So join me if you like as I post weekly prompts to get you thinking about what your path means to you, in words and art!

What is an art journal, you ask? The concept is simple really (even though it may seem a little daunting sometimes). An art journal is a journal that you use words and art (sometimes more art, sometimes more words) to record your thoughts, ideas, and feelings in.

The journal can be as fancy and as simple as you would like it to be! Some people draw amazing pictures, while others, like me, create simpler pages. They can be colours, sketches, collages, or anything else you’d like. Sometimes a page can be image based, other times it can be more text based. Art journals let you play and explore.