Note: This was originally posted on the HubPages site, June 2012. I have stopped writing at HubPages but still recommend the site for new writers or those who don’t want to set up their own site or weblog.
I was thinking about what I get out of writing for HubPages and decided it would actually make a good post. Other writers should know the benefits, the less obvious benefits, to writing for HubPages or other networks.
Yes, you get paid. But, yes… you actually do get paid.
You get to practice in front of a live audience.
You get your name out there, on topics relevant to you and your interests.
You get to dabble in blogging without opening a site or buying anything.
You can work on your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Meet other writers and other people sharing your interests or interested in you.
Promote yourself on social media by linking back to your accounts on Twitter and etc.
If you have a site you can give yourself back links and interlink between relevant posts.
Learn from the guides, tips and rules on the network. Watch for changes to how they do things and find out the reasons behind them.
Get fresh, new ideas from what other people are posting. Use the ideas in your own way.
Making Money at HubPages
My time writing for HubPages is a bit skewed. I opened an account and didn’t start using it until about 3 years later. So my results are different from what your own may be. Of course, no one is going to have the exact same experience anyway.
However, when it comes to my time here versus my money earned, things are a bit complicated.
Still, as far as being paid by HubPages. I am getting paid and I am making money here. I signed up for other writing networks and did not get any money for my work and my time. In fact, I’ve only been paid for work on my own blog (which is outside of any writing network) and HubPages. None of the other networks have paid me a thing in the past year. So, of course, I am putting more into HubPages and my own sites.
My first payment from HubPags was just over $50 and I am halfway to a second $50 payment. Due to my own efforts – choosing topics, writing headlines, writing content and finding context, etc – I have made $25 in three months.
Now, if you look at your cost of living that doesn’t seem like much. But, it’s pretty good for a writing network. I know others are making more money in different ways. I’m not comparing apples and oranges though. I’m quite pleased with the money from HubPages.
Of course, the secret is time management. Don’t over do it. Keep your time, work and the returns you get in balance.
There’s More to Writing for a Network than Money
People always want to know about making money. But, as a writer, there is more you can get out of writing for an online network than money alone.
Don’t forget the importance of feedback, building up your skills, learning how things work and building a reputation/ creating an online presence for yourself. Those are all real things you can get from writing for a network like HubPages.
I also like HubPages because it gives me a goal to work towards. When I write for myself I have no boss, no one looking over my shoulder or keeping me on track. I sometimes go off on my own and daydream about some new idea or write a post because it appeals to me, just me. Having a bit of a task master at HubPages is a good thing. You need to keep your focus, watch how and what you write/ post and you can see the results and set yourself goals to improving based on the numbers HubPages tracks for you.
Right now I’m working on getting traffic numbers up. I want to go from 10K to 100K around the end of this year. It may be too much to reach for. But, I’m past the quarter point. Progress, even if I may fall short at the end, I can still see things might work out. I’m pushing extra buttons by promoting my posts, linking to them and continuing to write new posts.
Why Not Give HubPages a Try?
I’m not going to stick in a referral link here. If you do join I would appreciate the referral but I’m Canadian and I’m just not comfortable asking for something for myself.
But, if you have read this and think writing for a network is a good idea, try HubPages. You don’t have to pay to join, you don’t even have to start writing right away. Think about it, consider how useful it could be for you and then give it a spin.
Send me a note when you make your first post. I’ll leave you a welcome comment.