Liking the Creative Struggle

I lost track of where I found this. But, I like it.

Typing in the text for those who can’t see it from the image:

Through this mild and harmless struggle, I acquired a hobby. “How agitated I am when I am in the garden, and how happy I am to be so agitated,” Jamaica Kincaid writes in My Garden Book. “Nothing works just the way I thought it would, nothing looks just the way I had imagined it, and when sometimes it does look like what I had imagined (and this, thank God, is rare) I am startled that my imagination is so ordinary.”

Witchcraft is Faith

            <blockquote>"In spite of the many books which have been written on the subject in recent years, most people still seem to regard witchcraft as being mainly a matter of casting spells or gaining psychic powers. They find it difficult to regard it as being a religious faith."

-Doreen Valiente

Quote found on: Messages in the Moonlight

Quotes from Famous Women

Throughout the years, the world has seen many inspiring people who have influenced the way people look at life. In particular, there have been powerful female figures who have educated many, whether it be via their work, their art, their politics, or their words. This is a collection of quotes from some of the most famous women in history, the words of which provide absolutely priceless life advice for us all.
Quotes by Inspirational Women
IQuotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women
Quotes by Inspirational Women

Success in Partnerships

” Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success”- Henry Ford

Source: Success Story

I think this is a great quote for anyone getting married, or starting a business. What other partnerships can you think of? Those are the first two which come to mind for me.

No Young Person Should Feel Unloved or Unwanted Because the World Needs You

Words for Teenagers


I found this on Facebook and I love it! This is what I wish I could say to every young person from the age of about 10 up to the age where they understand and believe these words are about themselves. People may be 90 and still need to hear and understand these words. Teenagers may be those this was directed to because they are at a time of life where they don’t have a set purpose yet like children to look after, a house to pay for, or a job to show up for everyday. These are the burdens, challenges which scare us and yet give us a purpose and direction – something we have to do each day.

Young people can be in a middle ground which can be an oasis or no man’s land. (Look up no man’s land if you haven’t heard that phrase before). Just because you don’t have a purpose yet does not mean you are not needed and can not find yourself a unique purpose and direction each day. Choose something and do it. Choose something wisely, something which will make your world a better place, something which will make you happy and feel accomplished. Little things mean a lot so you don’t have to reach far to find something valuable to do.

The world loves you, especially you, our teenagers who have so much to give, so much life and so much greatness yet to come.

This post dedicated to Zack (my favourite teenager of them all).

Quotes for Creative People

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up – Picasso

You have to love your work or you become alienated from your life – Brad Roberts, Crash Test Dummies

I came across these two quotes this week. I kept them on my desktop and nearly deleted the file without saving it tonight. But, here they are safe and posted to the site!