in Writing Exercises

Don’t Post – Blogging 101

Course Id: 1087-30
Course Start Date: 12-20-2012- Course End Date: 01-17-2013
Instructor: Dan Blank
Available Seats: 12       
Tuition: $199
Do you want to use online media to connect with other writers, readers, and those who can help you fulfill your goals in writing and publishing? Having a blog is an incredibly effective way to help you do so. In this course, you will discover not only the power of blogging, but the step-by-step process of creating a blog, developing its content, managing the process, and using it to market yourself and connect with others online.
Course Level: Beginner/Intermediate Writers

Required Book(s): 

Workshop Length: 
4 weeks

 Dan Blank (Bio)
Course Structure
The workshop will consist of four one-week sessions. Each session will include text-based online lectures, along with a writing assignment to be submitted to the instructor for private review. In addition, work will be posted each session for group review and feedback. Throughout the workshop you will be able to participate in asynchronous lecture discussion and encouraged to take advantage of ongoing informal discussions and posted self-directed writing and creativity exercises.

You will learn:
  • The basics of how to set up a blog from a technical level.
  • Techniques for writing for the web.
  • How to set clear and reasonable goals for creating a successful, yet manageable blog.
  • How to generate blog content ideas.
  • How to manage your blog effectively.
  • How to create an editorial calendar.
  • How to interact with readers on your blog and build your community presence.
  • What search engine optimization is and how to use it to your advantage.
  • Tips on integrating your blog with social media.

Who should take this course:

  • Anyone who wants to create a meaningful blog full of compelling content.
  • Writers looking to build their online media presence and expand their author platform.
  • Bloggers who have tried and failed to find a sustainable system to manage their blogs.


Session 1: Setting Up Your Blog
In this session we focus on creating a strategic framework for your blog that aligns with your goals as a writer. In this session, you will:
  • Identify your audience.
  • Establish specific goals for your blog.
  • Create a list of keywords that you will use in your pitch and for search engine optimization.
  • Create a short online bio that positions your brand online.

Writing Assignment:

  • Define your specific goals for blogging. What are you hoping to achieve, how will you measure success, and what is your ideal timeframe for achieve these goals.
  • Create a list of three (or fewer) specific audiences you are targeting.
  • Create a list of 10 keywords or phrases that describe your brand/writing.
  • Research and identify the following for each niche: prominent blogs, forums and people on Twitter. Limit the list to 10 for each.
  • Write a short bio for 160 characters or fewer that describes you, the value you offer, and aligns to your goals.
Session 2: Creating Blog Content
In this session we tackle the issue of consistently creating compelling content that speaks to your intended audience. You will complete the following:
  • Learn how to brainstorm topics and research what your audience wants to read.
  • Understand what makes a good blog post.
  • Learn how to write for the web.
  • Learn the basics of search engine optimization.

Writing Assignment:

  • Create a mindmap that outlines the topics you’ll cover on your blog.
  • Identify the top 10 things that drive the conversation with your audience.
  • Write 10 blog headlines.
  • Write your first blog post of 500–1,000 words.
Session 3: How to Manage Your Blog
In this session we will review productivity tips and how to structure your efforts to focus only on what produces results. You will complete the following:
  • Decide on the types of content you want to provide, and create a content schedule.
  • Create a month-long editorial calendar.
  • Learn how to prioritize your time.
  • Ways to analyze your work so you know what’s working and what isn’t.

Writing Assignment:

  • Identify your ideal update schedule for launch (number of posts per week) and specific content-types for each post.
  • Create a month-long editorial calendar.
Session 4: Build Your Audience
In this session you will learn the basics on how to connect with others and begin growing your blog traffic. You will complete the following:
  • How to integrate your blog with other marketing and social media efforts such as Twitter, newsletters, etc.
  • How to interact with and partner with other bloggers, including your “competition.”
  • Discover ways to drive additional traffic to your site.

Writing Assignment:

  • Create a Twitter account if you don’t already have one.
  • Identify five bloggers you would love to connect with.
  • Measure page views for your first few days of blogging, along with your most popular blog posts and top referrers.

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