in Ontario, history, Commercial Business

Toronto Fire 1904 Postcard

            I have heard about the fire in old Toronto. So long ago (before I was born) that I forget the year. But, <span class="removed_link" title=";cns=1">this postcard</span> says it was 1904, and this is where the fire started. None of those old buildings will still be standing. The others which survived in 1904 are mostly gone too. The don't make them like that any more, is certainly true. They were brick and beautiful, crafted. Now they seem utilitarian, plain and functional. Not fair to say they have no style, a different style is still a style. But, they lack the feeling that someone actually built them. Instead they seem to be something that just appeared, already formed.

You can read more about the fire and the history, but you can’t ever see it, just images and news reporting. The old grandmother buildings are gone. That always seems sad to me.