in Uncategorized, Arts and Photography

The Drama and Dilemmas of Posting Photographs Online

            I did not know, or really think about, all the drama with the technology of adding images to a website. I started by adding several photographs I had taken from one location. Then I thought it would be a good idea to add a watermark. Not so much about copyrights and theft but to at least give my name and website link so people could know I took the photo and find more of my photos. Somewhat keeping credit on the photo but also to build traffic and maybe in some other year consider selling photos or making a calendar or related idea/ plan.

But, watermarking was just the start of it all. I did figure that out. I bought software which I can figure out and I have gotten through one small batch of images as a test of my competence.

Then I realized my site is loading very slowly and sometimes not even loading at all. I thought, just bad luck today. Then I thought, well my connection just isn’t that great and maybe I really should change ISPs (Internet service providers) again. Then… it clicked in my brain. My photographs are big. Not just in physical size but density too. Well, I just don’t like thumbnails and I don’t want the software creating a dozen copies of various sizes of every image I post. That seems pretty useless.

So, now I am looking at image optimization.

Still on my list of things to do with my photographs is to create a place which I can have more of them posted. I don’t want to post more than a couple of images/ photos with each post here. The best few should be enough. Most people aren’t likely to care about all the same little things I care about when I look at the old places. Every doorknob, wildflower, and bit of odd looking peeling paint probably isn’t necessary. But, they could be available elsewhere. Again, the dilemma of giant file sizes and a huge trove of images over the years. But, that can wait until I get this site sorted out. One day… well, one week or so, at a time.