in Backyard Exploring

Address Photography

            Edward Donnelly, from California, in the US, posts photographs of address plates from buildings. How often do you pass by these house numbers and not even think twice about them? But, some are unique, old and interesting. <em><a href="">Address Photography</a></em> Do you have a house number visible on your home? Numbers should be easy to read, big in size, and a contrasting colour to the background they are affixed to. Placing house numbers on your mail box isn't enough. These days not everyone has a mailbox and they tend to be smaller numbers, not so easy to read from the street. I have large house numbers over the garage and another set at the front door of the house. No credit to me, the numbers where here when we bought the house. One of those little things people usually don't think of when they move into a new house. But, a nice thing to give your home some extra character and a practical item too.
SmartSign has more tips about house numbers.
Using clear house numbers is important! It makes life easier for your guests, for your postman, and for emergency service workers who might need to find you. The rules for displaying house numbers vary, depending on where you live. However, the following recommendations will ensure that your house number is placed where it can be seen by emergency responders, postal services, courier companies, and so on.