in Dragon Friendly

Personality of the Dragon: Dominance and Ambition

Personality of the Dragon

As the sole imaginary animal, the dragon ranks fifth in the Chinese Zodiac. The dragon is the most vital and powerful of any in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead and possessing a sharp tongue. In ancient times, people thought that dragons could control everything in the world, for they symbolized the character traits of dominance and ambition.

Gifted with innate courage, tenacity and intelligence, dragons are enthusiastic and confident. They are not afraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. However, the dragon is sometimes regarded as aggressive, and angry dragons are not open to criticism. They don’t consider themselves irritating and arrogant. Instead of following the past, they are striving for a smooth and nice future.

Which Type of ‘Dragon’ Are You?

In Chinese element theory, each zodiac sign is associated with one of five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth, which means that a Wood Dragon, for example, comes once in a 60-year cycle.

Type of Dragon and Characteristics
Wood Dragon (1964, 2024) Introverted, less enthusiastic, and lacking in good relationships
Fire Dragon (1916, 1976) Smart, unreliable, and easygoing
Earth Dragon (1928, 1988) Smart, ambitious, and hardworking
Gold Dragon (1940, 2000) Natural and straightforward, unpredictable with continually changing emotions
Water Dragon (1952, 2012) Persevering, farsighted, and vigorous

via Year of the Dragon: Chinese Zodiac Sign.

The City the Dragon Represent – Beijing

If any animal may be said to dominate the Chinese zodiac, that animal is the dragon. A symbol of royalty, its appropriate home is Beijing, the Chinese capital.

With a history of over 3,000 years, Beijing reins supreme in the public imagination, both nationally and internationally, in their considerations of China. Through the centuries it has transformed itself from an imperial capital to that of a modern and thriving economy, and its nature has changed along with it while retaining much that is ancient as testament to its greatness in the past.

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