in Pet Free

Pet- Free Zones

Designating “Pet- Free Zones” Which areas at work should be pet-free zones? We recommend making fitness centers, daycares, meeting spaces, food preparation spaces, dining areas, data centers, medical departments, mother’s lounges, and restrooms pet-free. Employees can also use leashes and child gates to keep pets constrained in smaller areas.

Source: Purina » Designating “Pet- Free Zones”

Even the pet food company believes in pet free zones. It is just a respect for other people. Pet owners who want to bring their animals everywhere are unfair to their animals and the other people around them. Do you really think the animals can’t tell when people are upset or angry? Why bring the pet you claim to love into a situation where they are going to feel that way? Even if you can’t respect other people – how about thinking of your pet instead of yourself?

Myself, I do not think any workplace is a place for pets. As I have written before, I have allergies to animals which causes me to have asthma attacks. For those who don’t know what asthma is – an attack is like drowning in the open air. So I would rather not have pets in any public, indoor area. Workplace, shopping centres, doctor’s offices and all other places people should be able to go and not need to have health issues due to someone bringing their pet.

The only place I can understand bringing a pet to is a veterinarian office or pet food store. A place which does not cater to pets should be a people place and pet free.  This is not against animals or pet owners – it’s just common sense.

For all those who want to bring their pets everywhere… why? Are they your security blanket? Do you really think the animal can’t do without you for any amount of time? I wonder how many pet owners are smothering their pets instead of giving them some space?

Even Purina believes in pet free zones where people don’t cart around pets or hide or smuggle them in. Seriously, why do some people seem so unable to leave their pet some freedom?

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