in Pet Free

Welcome to a Pet Free Site

This site is about being pet free and giving a voice to people who choose not to keep pets and/ or don’t agree with having pets in public places.

In my case, I do like animals but I’m allergic to them. I don’t want animals in the stores I would like to shop in. Service animals are necessary – pets are not.

I don’t like animals kept in cages, especially in small urban places. Farm animals are fattened up for eating so why do people let pets get fat?

I don’t like exotic pets or interbreeding of species which does not save species just mutates them and makes them unsavable.

I don’t like hunting animals for sport, though I understand the need to cull animals due to the fact the natural predators have long been killed off to make way for shopping malls, condominiums, etc.

Being pet free has very little to do with being child free. I don’t view animals (pets) as children. Animals should include ourselves, we are not so far above the food chain as some of us like to think.  I will never be a parent to a pet, an animal of a different species. A pet, once fully grown, is an adult animal and should be given enough respect not to be treated as an infant.

I will write more later. Just setting this site up today.

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