in Pet Free, Culture and History

Make a Choice to be Pet Friendly or Pet Free and Stick to It!

I posted this tonight on the site for my town of Barrie, public suggestions. Pet people, before you rant off, this is not about your rights to have pets with you every hour of the day – this is about my right not to have your pets around me. I don’t see why I should tolerate your pets making me sick. Why can’t people just keep pets at home they way we used to do? Why do they need to carry animals (almost always dogs) around with them like a stuffed animal?

I do not dislike animals I just prefer them to be kept at an allergy and asthma free distance and not be a surprise I don’t want each time I go shopping, out for coffee, etc. If people can not leave pets at home then public places and stores can clearly let people know if they are safe for people or cater to pets.

being pet free

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