Ideas to Save You from Blogging Burn Out
Burnout happens when we have too much to do, too much we are trying to do and we lose that time we need to recharge our own batteries. The best way to help yourself is to bring back the creative impulse and inspiration which you started out with. Also, to realize you have limits and can’t do everything all the time.
- Set priorities. Decide what you really want to work on and what you can set aside or just don’t have the time and energy to work on.
- Focus on what you get back (in return) from the work you are doing. What gives you the most satisfaction, or a decent pay in money? Limit anything that doesn’t give you something back and get rid of things that are just draining you.
- Take a break, a real break. Some bloggers are working more than full time hours, every day of the week. No wonder they get burnt out.
- Put time into offline activities. Not only do you recharge your batteries with a change of scenery but you will pick up all kinds of ideas and new topics to write about.
- Change of format. If you tend to work with mainly text make a change and work with images. Create a post with hand drawn doodles or a digital photograph you took yourself.
- Treat yourself to a new blog layout. Put your sidebar on the other side of the blog. It sounds simple and silly but you see your site in a new way with one small change.
- Go for a bigger blog change and create a new header. Put your own face on it.
- Give yourself a new blog theme, even a paid/ premium theme if you can spare the cost.
- Rework all your categories and/ tags. Whittle them down to just a few. Free yourself from category and tag clutter.
- Consider discontinuing extra blogs if you have more than one. Or, start a spin-off blog to post extra content to but give yourself an easy posting schedule.
- Use scheduled posts so you can keep a few posts ready to publish those days you want to get away from the computer.
- Exchange guest posts with another blogger you trust to deliver great content.
- Brainstorm for new topic and side theme ideas relevant to your blog. Stay focused but combine ideas to create something new.
- Use online forums and email lists to keep in touch with others who share your interests and will (more than likely) give you new and fresh ideas to write about.
- Plan a series of posts on a theme. Give yourself a bigger project which gives you a goal to work towards.
- Writers often keep an idea journal, a way to store ideas at the time you have them.
- Get to bed at a regular time, keep a schedule you can live with.
- Come up with a new plan for promoting your blog. Be your own PR person – don’t think like a blogger or SEO guru.
- If you have a tight posting schedule, reconsider. Write a longer post with more information, something you actually feel is worth the time you take to write it. Give yourself quality to sign your name to rather than quantity.
- Let yourself have the occasional personal day, and don’t feel you owe anyone an explanation.
- Review other blogs. What are other bloggers doing right or what could they improve on. Offer them your thoughts, in a constructive feedback way.
- Pick someone relevant and interesting to interview for your blog.
- Look over your blog stats, what are the type of posts people are reading? Could you find a new area to branch out into from your blog statistics?
- Change your blogging style to try get more comments and feedback from readers. Find out what works for other bloggers who get a lot of comments.
- Don’t try to be perfect. You can always come back to a post and rewrite it, revise it, add to it or link to it as your original thoughts on the topic when you write a new post.
- Write several short blog posts. Just share a quick idea or thought and don’t put a lot of time into elaborating on it.
- Follow readers who comment in your blog. See what they are writing about and leave them comments too.
- Take a day to immerse yourself in the topic you blog about. Use Google search, your local library, and any other sources for information and grab every nugget of new information you can.
Know What Type of Blogger you Are
Figure out what type of blogger you are and work with it.
Are you blogging to create something, to be informative, or do you want to find fame and fortune?
Know what you want to get out of blogging and go back to that. Don’t try to change who you are to suit your blog.
Write a mission statement for your blog and keep that in mind when you make decisions about what you will post and why you will post it. This also works for other aspects of your blog such as the format you use, the amount and type of ads you will run, the layout of the blog and how much navigation and social networking you will use.
Help for Deciding Your Blogging Type/ Style
More Resources
- Avoid Blogger Burnout and How to Prevent it!
- 6 Top Tips To Avoid Blog Burnout | Spice Up Your Blog
- Top 10 Ways to Avoid Blog Burnout | The Areavoices Community
- Avoid Blogger Burnout: 5 Tips to Save Your Sanity : @ProBlogger
- 5 Ways To Avoid Blog Burnout | Prevent Blog Burnout
- 7 Tips for Fighting Blogger Burnout | Work Your Way
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