in Poinsettias

Make a Poinsettia to Wear

You can make a felt poinsettia to wear as a Christmas pin or put on your tree as an ornament. I’ve seen poinsettias used in many ways and styles to decorate for Christmas or the winter holiday season. The red flowers are cheerful and pretty simple in style.

Put together a simple felt or paper poinsettia pin.

Cut the flower out of red felt or red construction (thicker than standard paper) paper. The flower shape just needs to be five petals (with pointed ends) around a circular shape. Cut out a few of the same flower shapes in red or shades of red and layer them one over the other with petals overlapping.

In the middle of the flower sew tiny jingle bells, coppery coloured beads or something else small and round-shaped which you can gather in a cluster and use to pin and sew the flower together.

To the back of the flower add a safety pin which you can use to pin the flower to your coat or anything else.

As an extra you can cut one flower shape just a little larger from green paper or felt and set it as the backing before you pin everything together.