in Dolls and Big Eyed Girls

Big Eye (Eyed) Girl: Vintage Art

I was a child in the 70’s. I still like 70’s music more than any other. I remember my bedroom being decorated with huge flowers – the wallpaper and curtains matched. At the time it didn’t seem at all retro or vintage. It takes time for anything to look kitschy after all.

There were so many little things I had back then that are prized artifacts now. I wish I had been able to keep more of them. But, we moved a lot. Then I grew up and started moving a lot myself.

One thing I miss are the big eyed girls I used to have on my walls. I didn’t get them new, even back then. I had to wander into them at yard sales and thrift stores. That’s still the only way I seem to find them now. But, I hardly ever find them these days.

I used to have about half a dozen of those sloe eyed girls. I liked the ones in the jester outfits, the girls who didn’t look like children but could have been teenagers. I had a few in jester clothes and at least 2 others which were ballerinas. My little sister liked them too. She took a couple of mine and wouldn’t give them back. Sisters…

Anyway, these days I only have one big eyed girl print left. I don’t even have her up on a wall. I keep her packed away. I guess I either don’t want to lose my last one or I want to make sure she isn’t left out during the next move (whenever that will happen along).

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