in Pet Free, Culture and History

Anger Towards Spiders

I never understand the anger management issues with spiders. I’ve got one living on the ceiling of my bedroom. He/ she has been there all winter. I’ll catch him/her and dump them outside now that it’s spring.

I know people don’t like spiders. But to feel all this anger towards them is a bit creepy and very unjustified.

No, I don’t pick them up and I don’t choose to keep them around as pets. But, I’m not out to get them either.

Are you having some sort of predator moment? Fearing you will have to share food sources with the spider? They eat bugs, if you’ve sunk that low… reconsider.

Are you afraid of a venomous spider? There are few of them in North America. Relax, the spider isn’t out to eat you. It would be happy to avoid you entirely. You’re not nearly crunchy enough.

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