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Marian’s Roots and Rambles: How To Take Better Gravestone Photos

            <blockquote><a href=""><img class="alignnone size-full" src="" alt="" /></a>I soon learned through online blogs (Strobist) how to use a flash off camera for more pleasing light.  There are different methods of triggering a flash off camera, but the one I chose for the Nikon D40 was a cheap wireless trigger purchased through Cowboy Studio on Ebay.  This includes a wireless trigger to mount on the hot shoe of the camera, and a wireless receiver to mount to the flash.  I use a Nikon SB600 speedlight with this camera.  This flash, and others are capable of being used on a manual setting so you can power down the output of light. The gravestone on the left highlighted by flash With this new capability I returned to many of the gravesites and photographed the hard to read stones.  With the flash on a light stand I adjust the flash output to 1/8th to 1/16th power, and place it to the side of the stone a few feet away.  Lighting the stone from the side causes shadows on the engraving enabling you to very clearly read the inscription.</blockquote>

Source: Marian’s Roots and Rambles: How To Take Better Gravestone Photos

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