in Cemeteries

Exploring Cemeteries in Ontario

            If you have a fear of cemeteries, coimetrophobia, you won't be exploring, photographing, or especially looking for old cemeteries to explore. But, chances are, you don't. I admit, if you start thinking about it, as you wander through the cemetery grounds with graves and stones all in rows (most of them) you are aware of where you put your feet. At least, I always think about it. Wondering if I'm far enough left or right, too close one way or another to someone's plot.

I like seeing the stonework on gravestones. I don’t read a lot of the names, or dates. I’m not involved with genealogy. Once in awhile I notice someone else with my first name, or the name of a family member or friend. That tends to catch my eye. I’ve yet to see someone with my same full name, even though my last name isn’t very unusual. That would be more interesting, certainly worth a photograph. But, I don’t think it would bother me, give me a creepy feeling.