To a Nephew, Born During a Mexican Hurricane
A hurricane welcomed you into this world
Winds have pushed you along from a tow-headed toddler
to 2 diet Cokes and 2 freezies, chips and dip and the newspaper.
A boy who looked for magical creatures with me.
A boy getting tall, stronger and not so much a boy any more.I remember you. I watch you.
Your life has been a part of my life.
You grow fast, the speed of wind.So many things I could tell you, talk to you about.
I’ve seen all kinds of storms, rainy days, snowy afternoons
If I could give you all of it, like a book to read, I would
But, life comes in steps and you have to take each one yourself.
Still, you’re never facing the wind alone.I can block some of the wind while you check your map
Remind you to bring a coat, wear your boots.
Feed you and keep you and watch your hurricane blow.
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