The Big Bang is going down – Boing Boing

The theory which replaces the Big Bang will treat the universe as an information processor. The universe is made of information and uses that information to define itself. Quantum mechanics and relativity pertain to the interactions of information, and the theory which finally unifies them will be information-based.

The Big Bang doesn’t describe an information-processing universe. Information processors don’t blow up after one calculation. You don’t toss your smart phone after just one text. The real universe – a non-Big Bang universe – recycles itself in a series of little bangs, lighting up old, burned-out galaxies which function as memory as needed.

via The Big Bang is going down – Boing Boing.

Detroit’s $500 foreclosure homes: Five things to consider before buying for a quick flip | National Post

Demolishing dilapidated properties and building from the ground up can be cheaper than rehabbing. But some buyers choose renovation to save historic architectural details found in much of Detroit’s early 20th-century housing stock: turrets, gingerbread trim, pillars and antique woodwork amid broken windows and sagging rooftops.

But beware of hidden costs and scams. Properties may come with liens, water bills and back taxes totalling thousands of dollars, in addition to renovation costs. It’s also not unusual to hear of homes sold to buyers in other states and countries, with purchase prices rising with every flip. Check with your accountant or tax lawyer; a Canadian purchase and sale might bring taxes that would cut in to any profit.

via Detroit’s $500 foreclosure homes: Five things to consider before buying for a quick flip | National Post.

Forgetful Worlds | The Learned Pig

Today this abandoned parlour feels dated, hovering somewhere between high-tech and Heath Robinson. It’s a place that tells of changes in a completely un-nostalgic way. Many small- and medium-sized dairies have disappeared in the last few years as economic and disease pressures have taken their toil, distancing us ever more from the animal. Some I have visited have been scrubbed away to make way for a new activity; on one farm only the rubble-filled pit a reminder of what when before. Others have been kept and reused, including one I came across that had become the studio for an artist.

via Forgetful Worlds | The Learned Pig.

Parakeets and Purity | The Learned Pig

We are part of the natural world, but we as a species are unique in that we have the ability to be aware of how we fit into things. We can intervene. That may be our blessing and our curse – to live with the duality that we are somehow both natural and unnatural.

I will admit my human interest – I’d be happier knowing I lived in a country where beavers swam in the rivers and far north, a few lynx and wolves padded through the recovering woods of the highlands. I’d like the crayfish infestations to be controlled, and I’d like to see species other than green parakeets flocking over my street.

Some mistakes of the past can be put right; the effects of invasive species can be negated, and long-absent species that were once part of Britain’s natural world can be reintroduced. I don’t advocate causing human suffering for the sake of giving nature a leg-up back to where it may once have been; but I do believe there is a way to mediate between the needs of those with competing interests for the land, to instil what’s left of nature with a bit more diversity, and the knock-on effect from that, excitement.

Then it’s a case of seeing what happens when we allow this ambiguity in.

And perhaps I’ll just have to learn to live with the parakeets.

via Parakeets and Purity | The Learned Pig.

How adaptable is nature and should we think we can allow nature to fix or heal from our decisions? I think the idea that endangered species should be left to fade is valid, but not completely. It depends on whether the danger is natural, or man-made. We should not re-create the planet to suit ourselves and expect nature to cater to our needs alone. Nature may make changes, adapt and struggle but we should be part of that – not set ourselves above it.

Custom Hair Wedding Rings

These 2 rings are based on mourning jewellery, but instead are a celebration of the everlasting bond between two people. Have your very own hair intertwined with your lovers and set behind sapphire crystal and 10Kt yellow gold. These rings are strong and durable so you can wear a symbol of your love on your wedding finger all day, everyday.

Victorian mourning jewellery was popular in the 1800’s. Since death was so common, it became popular for jewellers to set custom ‘hair art’ behind glass and metal so people could keep a piece of their loved one after they’d died. Hair is so special because it remains long after our bodies have faded, and is as unique as a finger print.

hair wedding rings

via Custom Hair Wedding Rings Modern Victorian by Ricksonjewellery.

Bringing back an old tradition in a new way.