in Asides

What Urban Exploration is Not

Urban Exploration is about Exploring

Urban exploration is what it sounds like – exploring urban areas. We take photos so we can:

  • get a better look at what we have seen
  • remember what we have seen
  • share what we have seen with others

Urban exploration is about history and photography.

Graffiti, destruction of property, salvaging from old places and setting fire and otherwise causing harm is not part of urban exploration. Also, explorers do not skywalk. Rooftopping is one thing, but the intent is to get a photograph safely, not to risk you life hanging over the edge of a building and getting a photo to prove you did it and dare others to do the same.

Urban exploration has some grey areas. Some explorers are very rigid in what they consider the rules. However, everyone who truly goes into this wanting to see old places does not want to see harm come to them. We don’t want to cause the property owner or management trouble or expense. The idea is to see the places and then leave as if we were never there.

This means we don’t move things around. We don’t leave garbage. We don’t break things. We don’t paint on things. We don’t try to jump off things.

Take only photographs and leave only footprints. It’s a great rule. People who don’t stick to it cross the line and become vandals.

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