in Asides


Are you Afraid of the Future?

I don’t see it that way myself. I think things will go on, changing as we evolve. Overall, I have hight expectations for people to change for the better and make things work. I don’t think the worst of the destruction and mayhem will really happen. Why would we let it? Why would our future people (the children now and their children after them) let things end? We all want to live, to survive. People seem to lose track of that basic fact when they get into creating end of the world scenarios.

So, I look at the apocalypse art, the end of the world stories as fiction, creative and imaginative and a warning to those who can make decisions to keep the really bad things from happening. Actually, that’s all of us, in case you were in doubt. We all make big and little decisions which can cause change or leave things the way they are.

What are you Doing About It?

Are you littering or recycling? Isn’t that such a small thing and yet it’s a choice each person can make everyday, several times a day. On this planet we live on, are you a recycler or a litterer? Do you keep things going, care about what you’re doing or do you casually throw it all away expecting someone else to come along and clean up your mess? You might be waiting a long time for someone else to clean up your mess… maybe right to the end of the world.

Think about that next time you flick a cigarette butt out the window or onto the grass. Think about that next time you throw out paper instead of recycling it. Think about that next time you’re shopping and buy items you don’t really need and then think about it again as you throw out all that packaging from the thing you didn’t really need. War isn’t the only thing that can end our world, one way or another, it’s all about the people in the world and what they do with it.

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