An Unexpected Fork in the Road
He came to an unexpected fork in the road. It wasn't on the map he'd been given.
Still, there was the choice of left or right, or to just go back and forget about the whole trip. But, having started this mad adventure it seemed a good time to keep going, to not give up. So, left or right... To the right he could plainly see the road leading to the town, fairly far in the distance yet. To the left, the road led into a dark forest. Studying the road, it seemed to disappear into the darkness thick with trees.
Well, what was an adventure without some mystery, a little danger, a bit of risk? He was a master of all the video games he had ever tried... no problem.
He walked to the left, into the forest, and was never seen again.
Writing Prompt: Pick a phrase you hear, something that tends to stick in your mind. Write a really short story around it.