Cemetery Photographer Interview Questions
Two of the interview questions from the Cemetery Travel site. Read the interviews and find more questions on the site.
What’s your favorite thing to do in a cemetery?
What would your epitaph be?
If I were younger and still more romantic, my favourite thing to do in a cemetery would be a picnic. You would need to come prepared, not just the usual picnic things. You might check in with the people who maintain the land and be sure a picnic is welcome there.
Next, once you are there, find a good spot. Cemetery land tends to be knobby and bumpy. You might think its all manicured, perfect cared for lawns, its not always the case. Usually they are knobby due to insects, weeds, and no doubt other things I don't know about. You won't want too much shade or sun and a sunny day will at least save you from mosquitos.
I would not plan it as a Gothic looking thing. I don't see it as a gloomy event.
Now, at this age, I like visiting cemeteries just for photography. Finding the oldest stones, even those I can't read due to weathering or plant growth. Sometimes I can read them better from the photograph I take. I also look for ornate carved or sculpted stones. I especially like those with stone flowers. Its nice to see what people have planted around the stones too, or if they have left pennies, pebbles or other little mementos on the gravestone.
I'm not ready to write my epitaph. I'd like to visit, as a ghost or whatever is available, and read what others have written.