Posts in category “WordGrrls”
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Did you know... Cruciverbalist is the official term for a crossword puzzle writer or creator. Or an enthusiast, but mainly people who create crossword puzzles.

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An Unexpected Fork in the Road

He came to an unexpected fork in the road. It wasn't on the map he'd been given.

Still, there was the choice of left or right, or to just go back and forget about the whole trip. But, having started this mad adventure it seemed a good time to keep going, to not give up. So, left or right... To the right he could plainly see the road leading to the town, fairly far in the distance yet. To the left, the road led into a dark forest. Studying the road, it seemed to disappear into the darkness thick with trees.

Well, what was an adventure without some mystery, a little danger, a bit of risk? He was a master of all the video games he had ever tried... no problem.

He walked to the left, into the forest, and was never seen again.

Writing Prompt: Pick a phrase you hear, something that tends to stick in your mind. Write a really short story around it.

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Mozipro for Zine Writers

A monthly zine prompt to spark creativity.

Other zine writer/publisher resources I found this week:

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Silent Purple Skies and Soap Bubbles

Sleep gets in the way
before I've hardly started
time is quicksilver.

I wrote this haiku this morning.

I often feel so many things, people, etc take over the time you have, the need for sleep being just one more of those. I love the time I am immersed in something. Learning something, sorting out something tangled, or reading a book with a good, deep story. There are always interruptions. Sleep is at least from myself, my body and brain needing physical care. Still, I resent it, a divider of days. "You can't stay up all night". But I can and I have. That early morning time before most people are awake, when the sky is a dark purple and the birds are warming up for the day. It's wonderful. It's quiet and a bit chilly and private. Only seconds, maybe minutes and then there is a sound in the house. Someone else is awake and its gone. That little bit of time, outside the world, family and things to do. It's something that is still fully mine. But it pops like a soap bubble and is gone.

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"Have you ever wondered why children are no longer taught to write in…

"Have you ever wondered why children are no longer taught to write in cursive?" And no, it is not by chance that they tend to use it less and less. Writing in cursive means translating thoughts into words; it forces you to not take your hand off the paper. A stimulating effort, which allows you to associate ideas, link them and put them in relation. Not by chance does the word cursive come from the Latin "currere", which runs, which flows, because thought is winged, it runs, it flies. Of course, cursive has no place in today's world, a world that does everything possible to slow down the development of thought, to fill it. I think cursive was born in Italy and then spread throughout the world. Why? Because it was compact, elegant, clear writing. But ours is a society that no longer has time for elegance, for beauty, for complexity; we have synthetics but not clarity, speed but not efficiency, information but not knowledge! In general, we know too much and too little because we are no longer (generally speaking) able to put things into relation. Most people can no longer think. This is why we should go back to writing in cursive, especially at school. Because this is not just about recovering a writing style, but about giving breath to our thoughts again. Everything that makes us live, that feeds the soul, that sustains the spirit, is connected to breathing. Without breath, as the ancient Greeks said, there is no thought. And without thoughts there is no life. Source: Vivian Parra.

Posted by my Aunt on Facebook, I've saved it here.